How does a change in your work life stress affect your masturbation patterns ?

  1. I have long days and I get home at 8 or so. At that point i just wanna eat, be horizontal and rest. i dont even have time to think about masturbation

  2. I’ve noticed a much higher sex drive after turning about 32… so really I use just about any excuse including work stress lol generally though: if I’m under a lot of pressure and deadlines I do it less because it’s hard for me to shift out of work mode sometimes… it’s easy to say “leave work AT work” but sometimes I can’t.

  3. Because I work from home it’s my outlet, so when I’m stressed I’ll give myself 30 minutes to go take care of it and come back and focus. When I travel and am in a hotel at night that’s a different story.

  4. One of the benefits of working from home is an opportunity to masturbate during lunch time. 😏

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