I’m a 22 y/o female and in a weird position where I get invited to parties and have groups of friends, but always peripherally being added. I’ve never been a crucial part of a group or event. I feel like talking to me is nice for people, but I can never get in a fun, casual and playful conversation with people. I take things very seriously and have social anxiety to the point where I get stuck in my own head and can’t be open to ask people about their lives and show authentic interest. May not seem like a big issue but it’s eating me up especially because it’s been a thing ever since I was a teenager. Any tips on how to not take things so seriously, be more fun and have more fun?

  1. Ask people about themselves and pretend to be interested. In other words, fake it until you make it. People are all self-centered at heart, even the really great ones. We all love to talk about the things we love. Getting people to talk about themselves makes everyone think you are a fun and kind person to be around.

  2. Focus on the conversation and put yourself in it. Have questions to fall back on. If you’re at a party you could drink a bit as well, not a permanent solution but helps sometimes.

  3. 1. Bring something – chips you bought from the store, a desert you made yourself, whatever. Even a bag of ice is often really welcome. Bringing something means you’re actively contributing to the party – not just hanging out on the periphery.
    2. Ask the host / hostess if there’s anything you can do to help. Even just helping make sure everyone has a drink gives you something to do. Again, you’re not just sitting there watching the party happen around you – you’re getting involved.
    3. Look around and notice if anyone else is standing around alone or looking awkward. Go up and introduce yourself. Make a comment about something they are wearing or eating / drinking. Ask how they know the host.
    4. It’s great that you express interest in people and that you are a very sincere person. But it’s also OK to let your silly side out. Maybe make sure to watch a funny movie or TV show before you go to the party so you can have a conversation starter “Has anyone seen this yet?”
    5. Finally – you don’t need substances to have fun, but there’s a reason people serve alcohol at parties. Sometimes you just need a glass of wine to loosen up a little and feel more comfortable goofing around with people.

  4. 1. Bring up your sex life, bonus if it’s non-existant.
    2. Make inappropriate jokes that you should never make in a mixed group.
    3. Whine about how your life sucks.
    4. Repeat over and over that you’d rather be at home.
    5. Be disruptive.
    6. Continue to do 1-5 even after you realize it’s pissing people off.
    7. I’ve never been to a party but this was all the stuff I did at my last social group. haven’t had another in nearly 6 years. This was cathartic for me.

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