I am 19 and have a girlfriend for 5 months now. We haven’t had sex yet but we do engage in other stuff. The thing im disappointed about is that when seeing her 90% of the time I give her oral or I finger her. But 10% of the time I maybe get something back. I am not sure why this is happening because I know she really loves me. Also I make sure my genitals always smell good so hygiene is not the thing. I am a respectful freak so I don’t want to ask but how can I make her give me?

  1. Starting with the most important thing first, you can’t make her do anything.

    You can have a discussion with her about what works and doesn’t work for you and for her. From there you may be able to work something out.

    If she’s selfish or has some hangup about pleasuring you then you have a decision to make.

  2. My hope you two will find an compromise that everyone enjoy.

    Let talk about the sex that not PIV. See you list one type and that is Oral, their lot other options you should consider and explore.
    1. Humping can be exciting and safe to do
    2. Hand job can be vary exciting and playful
    3. That lot option penis to rub up on female body parts for example breast, but cheeks, thighs, feet
    4. Talk sexy while have your fun time
    5. In the show she could give private nice deep cleaning

    Now you also figure out how long for play is right for her to be turned on.

    Or is the location that causing it?

    Their lot of things but through talking think find Balance

    FYI- I am dyslexic so my grammar might be off

  3. find another girl bro you only 19 and its some nasty ass girls out here that will do whatever

  4. > I am a respectful freak so I don’t want to ask…

    Then you’re doing it wrong. A strong relationship is one where you can open up to one another about something that you feel may be lacking. If you feel that the intimacy is a one way street, then tell her that.

    If she is ok with having this kind of conversation, great! That is the sign of a great partner. If she is not, that’s ok too, but it does mean you have some decisions to make on whether or not your relationship should continue.

  5. I know you said you don’t want to ask, but sometimes it’s the only way. Maybe she’s nervous about making the first move in your direction?

  6. My GF said something one time. “If someone had told me I was good at giving blowjobs, even if it was a total lie, I would have been much more excited to give them.”

  7. Lol cut her off. Take the power. What for her to start something. Tease her make her horny but keep it pg13. Let her be frustrated and when she talks to you about being frustrated let her know you are too

  8. Hi I would say something nicely! When I started making out and being intimate with men I was so nervous! I was lacking soo much knowledge!

  9. You need to ask for what you want. It’s great when a partner doesn’t need to be asked. But if they don’t volunteer it, you need to communicate your needs.

    They are allowed to say no.

    And if they do, you are allowed to stop doing things for them. You are also allowed to break up.

    You are allowed to do both of those things for any reason.

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