So I (23m) recently broke up with my GF of three years at the end of last year. Since then I’ve been working on myself a lot and while I’m still healing and of course not ready to go into another relationship I do miss intimacy and so would be open to having something “casual” with someone.

My issue is while I am open to being intimate with someone in a casual way I wouldn’t want to lead them into thinking I want a relationship just to sleep with them, so ideally I’d make this clear as soon as possible, before even meeting for a date or anything so I’m not wasting their time.

How would I approach this? If I’m just speaking to someone in a friendly way I wouldn’t want to bring up that I’m recently single and looking for something casual because that sort of “implies” that we’re going to be intimate when they might not even be into me in that way.

This is all very new to me as I’ve only ever had sex with 2 people and both of them I was in a relationship with at the time, so while I want to do it I’m really scared about coming across like an asshole who uses people for sex.

  1. Just be honest up front, people would rather know at the beginning than after months of getting to know someone.

  2. You just got out of a relationship so you’re not looking for anything serious, or something that might lead to something serious.

  3. From the start. If you’re doing dating apps I’d even put it in your profile. Doesn’t need to be detailed, just “looking for something casual”

  4. Right away tbh. I had being lead on, and I hate leading people on. Best to be up front.

  5. You tell them before you meet them or right away. You can ask them what they are looking for and you can tell them what you are looking for!

  6. Become friends with someone before you even think about dating them and a lot of times you don’t want to date them.

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