How do you make sure, your fellow introvert close friends whom you very much love don’t feel left out or abandoned?

This friend of mine has told me that she feels left out when I go talk to all the other friends I have in school. I have friends who are socially great, socially awkward and in between. How can I actually make sure all my socially awkward friends don’t feel left out or undervalued because I go talk to almost everyone and have alot of friends?

  1. I’ve been your friend before. Came to a party with a friend and they just went straight to other people and talked to them. I hardly knew anyone and just stood there watching them all talking. After that I told myself I’d never go to any social setting with this friend again. Keep in mind you might be the only your friend knows and feels comfortable talking to. What I’d do is check in on her often, you can talk and socialize with other friends but don’t just leave her standing there alone or ignore her. It doesn’t take much, do whatever you can to show her that you do care, make sure she always has company and that should be enough

  2. You have to involve your friend into every conversation you can, ask him a lot of questions until he or she start talking about their passions or the things that they like

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