I (36f) have a big dilemma and I really don’t know how to approach it or if I’m just being weird with it all.

I have a strong affection for a guy (35m) who has recently become single, we used to work together a long time ago and we hit it off when we worked at the same place. We both had partners at the time but we had a small encounter, nothing sexual but enough for me to know what he was packing downstairs.

We kept in touch intermittently after we went separate ways with employment and we would catch up from time to time and talk and we knew we kind of had a connection but we kept it light and friendly as we had partners, at some points when we were briefly single he exchanged pictures with me (I didn’t exchange back as it’s not something I’m comfortable with) and I was extremely shocked, in a good way, it wasn’t something I’d ever really been involved in but it was kind of exciting. We were a lot more open about things and I probably got a bit too worked up on occasions to fully comprehend what he was saying.

We tried to set up a meet but he either got back with an ex or a new partner (I actually can’t remember) and it never really happened and again we just spoke intermittently for a while, I found a partner too.

I broke up with my partner around a year ago and we spoke more regularly again, he was still with his partner at the time but, he is now single. Recently we had a video call for the first time and we got a bit over excited, I did not do anything but he stripped and got his dick out, I was really turned on and he asked if I’d like to see him cum for me, this is where the issue lies for me.

I have no problem with his size which is a lot bigger than I have ever seen or has before but during the phase where he did send me pictures he explained he has hyperspermia and he showed a couple of pictures where he had cum extremely large volumes and explained what he’d find with and to exes and of course when we get heated and worked up I go with the flow and have said I want it inside me or my boobs or a facial but the reality is the thought of all that cum frightens and grosses me out, I kind of mentioned it once and he looked disappointed so I made out I was joking.

I would love to meet him and although I’m usually reserved I know we would probably end up having sex because of the connection, I just don’t know what to do about all that cum, am I being weird or overthinking about it

  1. What you should do with all that cum is clean it up just like any other sexual encounter.

    You can also have him use a condom or only cum on one part of your body. He’s going to be the one to have a towel on hand and clean it off of you. You really don’t have to do anything with the cum.

  2. Choose your words carefully so you do not trigger your disgust reflex. The word gross should never be used for normal sexual activity in anyway for this exact reason that is happening to you. Instead say the volume of his love juices concerns me. I better do something to deal with the volume.

  3. If I read this correctly he hasn’t even seen your boobs yet, but you have seen him naked and masturbating. If that’s correct then I think your anxiety is deeper than just the volume of his cum. I would look into the nature and scope of the anxiety in order to get to the root cause.

    Good luck

  4. This sounds so lovely and sad at the same time 😓 i have a similar situation with a friend for like 18 years haha right now i am single, but she is not 😊

    And i can feel your problem. I hate cum and i could never have sex with a woman who loves cum or is obsessed by it. It wouldnt work, i need woman who hates cum.
    Hyperspermia doesnt really exist. I mean, it does, but it suuuper suuuper rare. Usually these guys have no official diagnosic, they just love cum a lot. And what you shated with us seems like he has a serious cum fetish. And you dont seem to share that fetish 😊

    That could be a real problem, because you cant change the sexuality, his or yours 😖

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