No more determining mood based on morning weight.

  1. As a taller girl I liked being big enough to be intimating to both genders. And no not overweight

  2. I stopped caring when I got into shape, because I knew I wasn’t overweight anymore and knew no one was gonna give me shit for being skinny 😛

  3. I found a partner that worships my body. And I stopped most forms of social media. That’s pretty much it. Find someone who loves you for you, and you’ll see how easy it is.

  4. I never worried about my weight, I’ve always been of good height weight propotiin, whatever.
    That is not to say but I understand that it’s hard, and it seems to be never-ending.
    Sometimes you just prioritize mental health over your attraction Factor

  5. When I lost weight and got told I should “grown my fupa back” by a guy in town LMFAOAO

  6. I’ve never had a weighing scale at home lol. Occasionally I’ll go to a spa or smth and weigh myself and be like “huh, ok” hahaha.

  7. Having a daughter develop anorexia. I’ve gained a lot of weight while refeeding her. I ate bite for bite with her to support her. I will never diet again.

  8. Stop weighing yourself in the morning

    Force yourself to speak nicely about your body, if you haven’t done this before it will feel stupid. Do it anyway, pretend you are talking to your best friend or a loved one.

    Consume media that has larger and smaller bodies than you, of all sizes and shapes. Specifically body positive fat positive people.

    Don’t let yourself consume diet related media or engage in diet or weight related media

    Don’t pay too much attention to fashion or celebrity media either

    Don’t count calories and eat what makes you feel better

    The media I consume and how I talk about my own body were probably the most important elements for me

  9. Because there are so many other variables than just weight in the body composition. If my weight gets higher that means I gained more muscle! Yay!

  10. When I understood that the scale is meaningless (ofc only if not on the obesity side), I didn’t understood first the “heu, I’m going to gym, eating better, I can visually see that I did lost weight but why the scale is still the same/just 1/2kg less?” So I educated myself on the matter, understood that I lost fat masses to gain muscle masses and from that moment I never looked at the scale the same way and rarely weight myself expect to check my muscles masses cause the one I have calculate this and the fat masses.

  11. When I recovered from my eating disorder now I don’t ever think about my weight just how I feel

  12. I became old and irrelevant (32). Thing is I still do care about my weight, but I have health issues for why i went skinny and snatched to “fat ass” (tbh still in healthy bmi but not skinny anymore). If we look at others to view us with the same forgiveness we hope we give ourselves, we have to also stop judging others. Look beyond the surface, see what they might be going through, do not judge as you wish others do not judge you.

  13. When i realized that all that matters my body looking good and feeling good. Weighing less doesn’t mean im healthy. I can be petite and be a normal weight.

  14. Identifying myself through my hobbies and personality rather than my looks.

  15. When I realized that the same weight looks vastly different on others, and that although I’m a certain weight, it doesn’t disqualify the other great assets I have.

    Also throw the scale out. You can go to your doctor to be weighed or use a friends every once in awhile. You’ll stop giving a fuck when you don’t remind yourself of it everyday.

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