When did your intuition about something prove to be right?

  1. When I thought that man who lived in the flat above mine was dangerous. Had no actual reason to think that but still avoided tf out of him. Neighbours told me he was just odd but harmless. Yeah, no.

    April last year multiple properties got set on fire one night, nobody knew why, the next night this guys flat went up in flames and we all evacuated.

    Turns out it was him, he set the fires to get revenge on people he thought had wronged him somehow and set fire to his own when the police came to arrest him.

  2. Ever since I became a mom, my mommy senses be tingling. I wake up and rush too my babies before they even start crying.

  3. Every single fucking time.

    When I felt my ex was lying to me about where he had been.

    When I felt my ex had doubts about his sexuality.

    When I felt my ex and his roommate were more than just roommates.

    When I felt my former best friend was cheating on his wife with his secretary.

    When I felt I was never going to be paid by a client I worked three months for.

    When I felt something was seriously wrong physically with my father although he kept claiming he was ‘fine’.

    When I was a kid, in my bed at night, when my grandmother was sick, all the sudden I felt out of nowhere a strong feeling that she had passed. Half an hour later my mom came into the room to tell us she had died.

    The list goes on and on and on.
    The worst thing about is that mostly I ignored my intuition and then it came back to slap me in the face.

    I’ll never gaslight myself again, that’s for sure.

  4. I had a suspicion the a family member wasn’t in love with his wife and had married her for some other reason or was coerced into it.

    No one believed me.

    3 months and they got separated.

  5. Multiple times, even for every day life stuff but the one I will never forget is the day of the attack in Nice because it was a type of “collective intuition”, my friends and I had planned to go there to see the fireworks cause we were bored af of our city and our friends was all there but really at the last minute before even stepping a foot in the train that was right in front of us we all looked at each others and said “let’s just go over there instead and we go to Nice another day”.

    The worst in it is that we all didn’t realized yet what happened, we went on twitter, saw the news, just told each others “okay” and went back to playing a card game like it was completely normal and it’s the next day that we “woke” out of our “neutral” state and realized what went down and called our friends that was there the night prior to check on them, everyone was mostly fine except one of them who ended up in psychiatry that same night because he saw the whole scene and was not even a meter away from getting struck by the car, really a “lucky” moment for him. Still to this day he is no longer the same person, at least to what I heard cause we didn’t stay in touch.

  6. Anytime someone has lied to me I unfortunately have very good intuition and it’s never been wrong and I hate it

  7. I have really great intuition, I think. It’s been pretty reliable. Highest stakes moment I needed it:

    I was walking through a dangerous part of town late at night. I was 15. I was getting scared. I had been honked at and catcalled lots that night. One or two cars pulled over and offered me rides and I turned them down. I knew it wasn’t safe.

    I wanted to cry. And another car pulled into a parking lot ahead of me and I decided I wasn’t going to show I was scared and I kept walking. The man in the car called out and offered me a ride and I said no, but then he said, “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

    Anyone could say that. In fact, it’s probably like top 5 things someone says before the DO hurt you. But I felt like he was safe. It was a strong enough feeling to get me to go against everything I knew to be true about taking rides from strangers. I got in his car. And I was still on edge but he was very nice. Didn’t once take his hands off the wheel. He even told me I could put a CD in out of the CD book he kept in his car (it was a long time ago) and when I went to hand it to him, he wouldn’t take it and told me to feel free to put it in myself.

    He dropped me off where I asked and told me to be safe. He gave me his number in case I was ever in trouble again. I lost it. It could’ve gone so much worse and I’m going to be thankful the rest of my life for him.

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