What has social media taught you?

  1. The more you see of a person, the worse this person is doing (mentally, in relationships, etc.)

  2. People buy into propaganda that feeds into whatever they want to believe way way way way way easier than i ever imagined possible.

  3. That people believe the amount of followers they have validates whatever anti social beliefs they hold.

  4. How fucked society is and i dont want much to do with 99.9999% of the people on this planet

  5. That **privacy** is one of your most valuable resources…yet some people give it up so easily.

  6. Some people will believe anything if you just tell them that it’s something “they” Don’t want them to know.

  7. People care more about the appearance of being happy than actually being happy.

  8. Just because they are showing you good things, it does NOT mean that’s who they are

  9. most people only post the good things in their lives. Don’t think that you are not living life per other’s posts, their lives are just as boring as yours in between posts. You have your own life journey and goals that are different that others, don’t compare your life journey to theirs.

  10. people suck on a much more grander scale than I ever imagined possible.

  11. That social media is stupid. And that our user data is valuable, and we (social media users) are kind of dumb for giving it away freely.

    Also, it’s made me realize how important privacy is in a person’s life.

    Also, I recognize the irony of saying that social media is stupid on a social media platform..

  12. That invisibility continues to be a superpower. Also, no social media site is truly secure. My old FB got hacked no less than three times in one week. RIP

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