So little while ago i matched with this guy.
I was being vulnerable open and clear communication. The way he has been behaving gave me anxiety, his behaviour didnt feel consistent. Made me go crazy, made me doubt myself. We would have gone on a date/hook up last wednesday but we got, idk in a fight? It was basically me telling him about some abandonment issues, his response? Telling me to heal etc and not having the energy to deal with it. And tbh thats fair, but it really ffing triggerd me, so i lashed out.
He ended up blocking me.
I apologised on insta for my behaviour.

I think 5 days later he unmatched me on bumble.

And i think he restricted my account on insta.
I messaged him, if he was willing to see me anyways and i’d treat him bc i got very upset. (Wow saying it like that is kinda lol🥲)

He didnt unfollow, like WHY. He did everything except that? HE DOESNT EVEN WATCHES MY STORIES ANYMORE.

Besides the point that everything is so sooo childish like why, i dont get it. I mean i have an open account too it’s not like he wont have acces to it to do the occasional spy on me?!!

and i know i should move on but idk, just help your girl out 😩

  1. Why are you relying on what he does or doesn’t do regarding social media in order to find an answer on how to deal with this?

    Maybe he forgot to unfollow you. Maybe he had random curiosity.

    Move on. He made his answer clear. More than that, he had already proven to not be what you needed. Before you even talked about your abandonment issues, he’d already been pinging your “this one isn’t what I need” radar.

    The first couple of times he “made you go crazy” or “made you doubt yourself” should have been enough to pull the plug right then and there.

  2. Him doing that says more about him than you, don’t overthink this and move onwards and upwards.
    Stay 💪 strong

  3. Why are you having these big dramatic arguments with someone you haven’t met?

    There’s no need to “vulnerable” with total strangers. Maybe wait a month or two before talking about hang ups and deep emotional wounds. Waaaaay to early for all of that.

    All healthy men will recoil from that and do all you will be left with is toxicity.

    Next time keep everything light and fun and this then sets up a friendly and fun date. Go from there.

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