Is the meditation or “finding your inner peace” bullshit really true? I’ve just never been able to cope with stress so any advice is appreciated!

  1. I workout, and I workout hard. Pretty much relieves any tension that I have.

  2. While meditation can help, I don’t think that’s it’s sole purpose and it’s healthy the meditate even when you’re not stressed.

    Deep breaths help. If remaining stationary doesn’t help, I’ve found exercise helps. Exercise doesn’t mean just lifting weights or running. Anything physical you can turn your mind off and do helps, even something as simple as going for a walk and speaking your thoughts out loud to yourself or with a friend.

  3. “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” – Nietzsche

    “We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life and instead think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answers to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.” – Frankl

    “The foundation of all mental illness is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering.”

    “Suffering that is not understood is hard to bear, while on the other hand, it is often astounding to see how much a person can endure when he understands the why and wherefore.” – Jung

    Nawh, I don’t do that hippy dippy progressive marxist bullshit. I listen to the great people in life.

  4. Distance running, martial arts aaaand… fromsoftware video games. 👌 legit, all I need to self soothe (a very very integral skill for any human, men withstanding)

    A close second is making money. 😂 whenever I have a good pay day I find stress melts in wake of it.

  5. Depends on the source of the stress. If i cant control it I let it go and good luck

  6. I avoid alcohol at all costs. Seriously give it up if you’re a drinker. It doesn’t relieve stress it puts it off till the next day. Alcohol creates far more stress than it alleviates. That’s how I cope with stress. I face it head on, sober. I eat well and work out a few times a week. Dealing with stress is so much easier when you are clear headed, sober, well rested and rational.

  7. Videogames, mostly.

    Sometimes, by saying the Rosary, which is a set of sayings that you repeat over and over. There are chains of beads that you use to count off each saying so you don’t lose your place. You can think of it as a 16th century version of guided meditation

  8. Distract myself with hobbies or things I enjoy doing and talking with close friends and family members.

  9. Depends on the kind of stress. If it’s ‘oh, shit, we’re going to die’ stress, I fucking love it.

    Either way, the only thing to do is fix the thing causing it.

  10. Find time to enjoy my hobbies with no distraction from them. Phone on do not disturb and just enjoy the moments

  11. It depends on the type of stress but typically I’ll workout and read

  12. Masturbation, or going into the woods and hitting stones with sticks till the sticks break

  13. I love it when the pressure is on and I’ve got shit flying at me from every which way. I kind of adopt a mentality where I’m aggressive about whipping these problems asses.

  14. What have you tried so far??

    Having walks in the park/forest works for me..

    Youtube and memes can also get you to think of something else (dosnt make it go away but you feel less stressed in the moment)

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