Title given. So, I’m a big gamer, id say that’s my main hobby, along with some other things like playing guitar, reading, etc. I’m very in tune with gaming and I like to talk about it more than just what my favorite game is. I definitely spend less time playing games now that I’m older as opposed to when I was in my 20’s. But I still enjoy it very much.

When it comes to dating though. I’d very much like to match with someone who is also into gaming like me or anything under that umbrella. It just seems like I’m not looking in the right places. Sure, women like that exist on dating apps, but I feel like it’s so few and far between.

So my question is, what can I do or where can I go to open myself up to potential dates with women who also like video games? I feel like most gaming events arent necessarily the appropriate place to pick women up, but then again, when is the appropriate time and place for that?

I’ve seen posts from ppl from here or other social media about gaming with their partner, cosplaying together, just being nerds together. I want that in my next relationship.

Thanks for any help!

  1. Dude gaming is not something a lot of chicks do. It will be difficult to land a quality chick that will be ok with your intense gaming habit. Advice is to reevaluate your hobbies. You’re screwed if you stick with gaming.

  2. Are you mostly doing video games or do you play MTG and other trading card games? Or are we talking strategy like Warhammer and Killteam?

  3. Join geeky meetup groups and hang out at arcades. Go to Geek Who Drink trivia nights maybe?

  4. Bro, forget women who play games. You actually want male friends to do that.

    You won’t find women playing games. Not at your age.

  5. As a 32 year old woman who’s been playing video games ever since the first PlayStation came out, there’s definitely a person out there for you to game with. Go to your local comic cons, comic shop events, Pokémon go events, stuff like that. All of these events have like minded people.

  6. Yeah, search for board game meetups. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people.

  7. Most girls will get turned off if you mention you’re a “gamer”. You’re a 30 year old, stop the games and get some better hobbies. You aren’t a little kid anymore.

  8. I would say at least half the women I’m friends with play video games and I’ve met them all though my other hobbies. I would just try to find spaces to meet more people in general, talk about interests, and see if those interests align with yours.

    Finding people in a gaming-specific environment is hard since you don’t really have to leave your house to enjoy the hobby. No one I know, guy or girl, really goes to gaming meetups. As far as those options go though: a TCG night may be a good option if you play magic or the Pokémon tcg, attend a local comic con, book/comic/gaming stores in general, arcade bars (see if any local bars do a Mario kart night or something similar), DND, microcenter lol. I would lean towards the option of just trying to meet people in more general settings and ask if they’re into gaming though.

  9. If you play multiplayer games, you can find ladies within the community. I play games and my current partner and I met because I was looking for people to team up with lol. Few years later we started dating.

  10. In Atlanta, we have so many events that are perfect for this!! Dragoncon, Comic con, Renaissance Festival, gaming bars. Maybe there’s some of those around you if the apps aren’t working out 🙂

  11. Yo OP, since I can’t reply to that one douche anymore, looks like he deleted his account, figured you’d like these stats. Gamers are out there and the majority, we’re just not the easiest to find 😂

    Huh weird.

    “There is a substantial gender gap in the share of young adults who report playing video games. About seven-in-ten men younger than 30 (72%) say they play video games often or sometimes, compared with 49% of women in the same age group. Among those ages 30 to 49, 58% of men and 48% of women play video games. When it comes to older adults, similar shares of men and women say they play (27% of men ages 50 and older, compared with 30% of women).“

    Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2017/09/11/younger-men-play-video-games-but-so-do-a-diverse-group-of-other-americans/#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20substantial%20gender,of%20women%20play%20video%20games.

    “45% of American gamers are female.”

    “People aged 18 to 34 make up 38% of the US gaming population.”

    “More than 214 million Americans play video games.”

    Source: https://dataprot.net/statistics/gamer-demographics/#:~:text=15%2D24%20years%20old%20%2D%2022,%2D64%20years%20old%20%2D%2023%25

  12. Go anywhere that gamers congregate: conventions, tournaments, video game stores, board/table top game shops, etc. and then approach whoever you find attractive. That’s pretty much it.

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