Ladies that had a lonely era, when did times become less lonely for you? What did you do to combat the loneliness?

  1. I think times became less lonely for me when I started planning fun activities that I could look forward to and get out of my comfort zone some. I attend things alone so that I’m still around people in general and not just sitting around at home alone. I like the videos called Devin and willow where she talks about normalizing doing things on your own too. I lean more on family but they don’t live close to me.

  2. I was lonely all my life until I got out of an abusive relationship and going through that, was like a wake up moment where I took 3 years for myself. I took time to figure out how to love myself and started to enjoy actually being alone. Now I’m married to a wonderful husband whom I met during the time I was with my ex and he had become a close friend I could confide in and he makes sure I never feel alone again.

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