I, m36, cannot climax during sex without stimulation of my prostate. This has been going on for a couple years now, and the last two times my partner and I have been intimate I have had to stop before I could climax because she is getting too sore.

In order to have a chance a climaxing, I basically have to, as we call it, “get marinated” by drinking my 2 liter water bottle and letting my bladder get full. Then, once I’m almost ready to pee my pants, I’ll USUALLY have enough pressure on my prostate that I can achieve climax, though not always.

I AM able to achieve climax through self stimulation, using the same method, but it takes FOREVER (feels like it). I honestly think I’m starting to get carpel tunnel from it, which sounds utterly ridiculous.

I know our bodies change as we get older, so I just chalked this down as one of those changes. But it’s gotten to the point where it’s beyond annoying, and I want to do something about it, but what?

I got a vasectomy last year and brought it up to the urologist. He basically brushed me off, and I have no desire to go back to him or his office.

What type of specialist could I see for something like this?

Is this a problem you have had and have had treated? If so, what did you do?

I’ve considered toys to address the issue, but I’m afraid that would just be a temporary fix, and I’m looking for something more long term.

For background, I’m on medication for a prolactanoma that makes me super horny and more susceptible to addiction (pretty sure I’m addicted to sex/masturbating, which is incredibly frustrating).

I’m 5’8” and I’m down to 180lbs from 200. I still have a bit of a dad bod, and could probably drop another 20. I know fat can cause health issues, but I don’t think I’m carrying enough excess weight for that to be a problem.

I don’t run it work out, though I’ve been meaning to start once a few work projects are finished. In the mean time, I work some low end construction, and it’s not uncommon for me to be on my feet all day and lifting heavy items.

Finally, I love my partner and am incredibly attracted to her. While I’ve definitely developed some kinks she’s not entirely into, she’s working to expand what she’s comfortable with, and I have no problems with her, her personality, her body, etc etc etc. in other words, it is NOT a her problem, so please don’t suggest it. It’s a me problem, and I’m addressing it as such.

Thank you.

  1. Am I understanding you right that you are not stimulating your prostate with anything other than your full bladder? I mean I would definitely recommend prostate stimulating toys for sure.

    But I think you might also benefit from reducing your masturbation. I’d be curious if you cut out orgasms except for those you have with your wife. Like save it up for her.

  2. Get some Tadalafil from the urologist. It’ll help you be able to cum.

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