So…Im a divorced guy (x2). I’ve recently come to terms with the fact that im an alcoholic. Been going to AA and outpatient treatment for that.

I decide I’m done with women for a while…and this girl shows up at treatment. I ignored her at first, didn’t even look at her, because I thought “I’m going to stay sober, and fuck any other feelings.”

But here’s the deal, I’m trying to learn how to socialize for the first time in my adult life. So I wanna find out if she likes me (again, drunk/high since 16 so don’t know this shit)

Now, she’s a real bubbly/friendly person so it’s hard to tell. But I locked my keys in my car at treatment, she contacted her uncle and mom to get that unlocked the next day. That was the first time we talked and she initiated it when she found out I locked my key in the car.

Got a ride home that night from her and her mom. Witnessed slightly embarrassing banter between her and her mom. Constant chatter, playing with her hair, showing me pics of her sibling, etc

Told her how I felt tonight. Neither of us are looking for anything quit yet since we’re both new to recovery. But after all I told her, I asked “would you still wanna hike and go mini-golfing and stuff and she replied right away with a “yes” message.

I’m so socially inept from alcoholism, that I don’t get this. Are some girls just super friendly and wanna do things with you one-on-one for the sake of being friends? Or does all this sound like she’s interested and waiting to recover from her habits before jumping into something?

any help would be appreciated!

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