I found the little corner of my grocery store where the outr**é** meats are kept a few years back, and I’ve kind of fully embraced the idea. I use venison in my tacos. I buy bison for my chili. And I love ’em!

But it seems that the USA has some conflicting ideas on game meats, and so I feel like these local native animals are always going to be in the corner of the grocery store, and never in the main aisle.

So what’s your opinion? Would you be as happy with a bison burger?

  1. Bison somewhat regularly. There’s a bison vendor at my farmers’ market. They also run a food truck at the state fair. Delicious stuff.

    Deer, I don’t think I’ve ever had venison. I’d try it though.

  2. I love ‘em, but I don’t have them often nowadays. I grew up hunting deer, so I had easier access. Back then I’d eat it all the time. Bison was always a bit more rare, but it seemed easier to find when I lived out west. Still love a good bison burger.

  3. Not nearly as much as I wish. Deer about once a year. Bison every few years if i’m lucky.

  4. Deer jerky is soooooo good. Deer bologna too.

    And we have bison burgers when my husband decides he wants to be healthy. They’re…not great. Fat = flavor.

  5. Venison; whenever a friend snags a buck and has extra meat left over they want to share, or if they offer to prepare it when I come over for a meal.

    Bison hardly ever, it’s more expensive than beef and while it tastes good, it’s not something I really care to go out of my way in buying.

  6. Bison? Once or twice about every other week. Sometimes multiple times in a single week if I find a decent deal at Publix.

    Venison? Depends on how lucky I get when deer season rolls around. I’ll buy elk venison occasionally as well.

  7. As a native I eat bison often but when I lived in alabama there were strict hunting laws for deer and given such there was regulation against how much, when and if you may sell it. I use to eat it often bc my dad was a hunter but it was only available during season

  8. Bison is readily available, but I actually prefer beef burgers. Venison is fantastic, but only get that if my husband hunts that year. If he is able to harvest a deer (deer season being in the fall/winter), we’ll eat it at least weekly.

  9. I’ve had venison one time and it was 2 days after my friends family came back from a hunting trip. Invited me over to play (kids/preteens kinda time) and said they were having deer spaghetti that they just shot and prepared

  10. So you aren’t eating wild game, most likely. Those are normally farmed. If the meat is from the US, and I think Canada, it was farmed. Wild game meat can be imported from other countries.

  11. I used to live near family and friends who hunted. So, wild game was something I had pretty regularly, though I wouldn’t say often.

    Not really anymore. I just don’t have access.

  12. I used to eat deer regularly as a kid because my uncle went hunting a lot. Now I just get it occasionally when my friends father goes hunting and I stop by their house for a visit.

  13. Bison meat is pretty easy to come by, a lot of grocery stores carry it. It’s not bad but it’s more expensive than beef and since it’s so lean it’s kind of dry for burgers.

    I’ve had venison a few times and like it. Despite living in Michigan and being surrounded by hunters I don’t hunt and don’t really know anyone who does anymore. In Michigan only a few processors are licensed to sell venison, so it’s not as available.

  14. Buffalo is definitely more common to see in my area. The only time I have had it was on Catalina Island, it’s a tourist attraction there since there are buffalo on the island.

  15. Never. I occasionally had bison burgers via a friend when I was a child. I had venison a few times too. I was never really a fan and I’ve never tried to have them again since. I’m also an extremely picky eater, so I’m not one to test new foods.

  16. I buy ground venison (or elk) and bison from the grocery store occasionally. Not often as it’s pretty pricey, comparable to beef from the farmers market.

    I like using the bison especially for burgers or chili.

  17. I have tried Bison and deer meat, but it isn’t a regular part of my diet.

    I do make a mean gator tail taco though. Which I break out whenever friends or relatives visit from out of state.

  18. Just my perspective: Southern California.

    I eat buffalo or bison once in a while as ‘something different’. It’s a little more expensive, and very lean, and the flavor is great. I very rarely see venison anywhere – I’ve eaten it more often on vacation, usually at a nice restaurant in a natural/wilderness area.

    In both of these cases, they were not game, but farm raised.

    My grandfather was a deer hunter up until his health began to fail in the mid 1990’s – I had a few ‘Bambi Burritos’ as a kid growing up.

    They aren’t as efficient per pound to farm, so they will always be a little bit upscale, or expensive. But they are good, that’s for sure!

  19. Venison only when someone I know has been hunting and offers to share. Bison is more readily available in areas where it’s farmed. Used just like beef and similar in flavor, though less fat. Had a really excellent burger once that was a mix of bison and beef.

  20. Almost every time I visit my mom. Local restaurant sell hamburgers made with bison, elk, or deer meat. They’re absolutely amazing.

  21. Used to eat both, along with Elk every year.

    Bought the Bison, never hit the hunting lottery for a license.

    I would take 3 to 4 Whitetail deer every bow season.

    Either my friend or I would usually bag an Elk every couple of years.

  22. I’ve never seen venison in a store. But I eat it maybe 1-3 times a year. And Bison probably more than 5 times but less than 10 times a year.

  23. I do archery, rifle and muzzle loader seasons just so I can take 3 deer a year. Paying ~$100 a year for the licenses, and then after the intial investment for butchering setup, whatever I need for meat wraps, seasonings, etc is a hell’uva lot cheaper than buying a ton of meat from the store.

    As i’ve never seen it for sale. How much does a pound of venison or bison go for?

  24. I don’t like deer, but I love bison. If it weren’t so expensive, I’d eat more of it.

  25. Never, because i’m from an urban area in California. Americans way out in the boonies probably eat it a lot though.

  26. I don’t seek bison or venison out. I’ve enjoyed venison any time I’ve had it, though. Like if I’m at a place that happens to serve venison, there’s a good chance I’ll order it because that’s a rare chance for me.

    Bison burgers aren’t fatty enough for my tastes, in my experience. But if a friend serves bison or venison I’d have no problem eating either.

  27. I eat both somewhat regularly because there’s more deer than people where I live, and numerous bison farms. I love bison meat, but it is expensive. Deer is hit or miss, I’ve had some rank deer before. Deer Jerky is always a good option.

    I imagine this is a similar scenario in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Eastern Washington.

  28. love bison burgers.

    but i don’t hunt so the only time i eat game meat is when i can convince a hunter i can cook meat better than they can and they invite me over to see. which isn’t all that common. but it’s happened a few times. 😂

  29. Bison once every few months when I go to a particular small butcher shop/ restaurant that has amazing bison burgers.

    I don’t eat deer. I don’t like it.

  30. Bison meat isn’t common in my area. I will eat deer meat frequently if my brother has a successful hunting trip.

  31. This question makes me miss deer jerkey. I need to find some hunting friends where I live. Always was a mighty fine fall treat. I had friends back home that would supply me with it most of the time for free.

  32. No. Deer are one of my favorite animals. I could never eat one.

    I had a bison burger once at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC.

  33. Not as often as I would like. Farm bison is common enough but since I don’t hunt I only get deer meat occasionally.

  34. Deer, rabbit, squirrels I eat year-round, frequency depends how good the hunting was that year. Bison is good, but expensive, so it’s a pass from me.

  35. We hunt for our deer, so we eat it when we have it.

    We don’t buy bison at the store, but have ordered it on vacations and whatnot. Not opposed to it, just don’t have the opportunity to buy it often

  36. I’ve had bison many times, always at a restaurant. I’ve only had venison once, I don’t seek it out and no one in my family hunts.

  37. It’s not uncommon to find a bison burger in NYC at an upscale restaurant, but i don’t think I’ve ever seen venison on a New York menu. Don’t believe I’ve ever tried it (venison) either, but I’m not necessarily opposed.

  38. Bison maybe once every couple of years if it’s on sale. ( it’s good, but not different enough from beef to pay for. ) Deer maybe yearly if a hunter friend shares. But weekly now, because we recently picked up a roadkill.

  39. You can’t buy venison (not anywhere I’ve ever been, anyway), but I would. It’s tasty, but unless you happen to know a hunter, you’re not getting any.

  40. I eat bison pretty regularly. I prefer it to beef and it’s regularly available in the grocery store (at least in the ground form). Deer is harder to find. Typically, you have to either hunt or know a hunter.

  41. I eat deer all the time. My family has a pretty regular supply of deer meat. I think I eat it more than other type of meat.
    I’ve never had Bison though

  42. I don’t really ever eat deer, but I quite literally just ate bison like 10 minutes ago. Very tasty. Doesn’t happen too often though because not every restaurant is gonna carry bison or venison, but when they do, I usually choose that option because I just think they taste better.

    I rarely find that stuff at the butcher shop though, although it’s a very small butcher in a small town so that’s probably why

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