In what ways are you taking care of your mental health?

  1. Regular exercise, healthy lifestyle are my two best weapons for managing anxiety and depression.

  2. I’m taking a three month leave of absence from work to try to manage my mental health better, if that counts.

  3. Making time to relax, getting regular exercise, and giving myself space to cry when I need to.

  4. At least 20 minutes walking outside, 5 days a week.

    Affirmations. Ones that I actually believe.

    Compassionate self-talk.


  5. Therapy, EMDR, dance and workouts but the big one is not checking any social media from people not in your life anymore, absolutely filled me with anxiety, triggers and bad dreams.

  6. Currently tryna lock myself in the house cos I feel a manic ep coming on. I wish I could hibernate during these times.

  7. Therapy, trying to reframe negative thoughts, grounding exercises, facing my fears.

  8. I had to quit a job I loved, so now I’m on government benefits so holding a job doesn’t stress me out, I see a psychologist every 2 weeks and a psychiatrist once a month, I do inpatient stays at a psychiatric hospital every few months for TMS, ECT, and/or a 4 week EMDR program, and I have a support worker I see once a week who makes sure I’m leaving the house. I make sure (barring physical reasons) I go outside for at least a few minutes every day, I take vitamin B12, D, and omega 3 tablets (partly because I’m prone to physical deficiency, but they do have a real impact on mood), I take medications to make sure I sleep properly, and I’m currently taking lithium. I also make sure to engage in a hobby at least once a week, no matter how shitty I’m feeling.

    I’m doing a lot. But I have to, because when I don’t, my brain starts convincing me to do silly things, like hurt and/or kill myself, and I’m historically pretty susceptible to listening to it.

  9. Reading self help books, journaling (but only when I feel the need, I don’t need another must), spending money on take out and other things I normally only do with other people when Im by myself, giving myself permission to relax even when there is stuff to do, not allowing myself to talk negativly about myself.

    I want to sleep better and exercise aswell but Im taking small steps.

  10. Sleep, exercise, taking my SSRI, taking my supplements, surrounding myself with only emotionally astute people.

  11. By not making myself available to people all the time and not giving all my energy to help make someone else’s life easier. I’m being selfish for once and I’m prioritizing myself first.

  12. Going to therapy. Having better boundaries. Stop trying to hide my true self (this one is really hard for me). Asking for help more. Writing stuff down. Yoga. Walks. Dancing. Do more of the things that I love and give me energy!

  13. Cutting out toxic relationships
    Getting fit and healthy
    Setting firm boundaries 🙌

  14. Medication and a good night sleep. I have felt SOOOOO MUCH BETTER after my psychiatrist prescribed me sleep inducing medication (they are not sleeping pills!) because I have slept so much better. If you have problems with sleep – hard time falling asleep, waking up at night multiple times even for a second – do something about it!

  15. Listening to my body and mind when they’re telling me I need a rest.

    Daily exercise or at least some kind of movement.

  16. I’ve cut down on alcohol, which is major one. And I try to make myself go for a run a few times a week (although I don’t beat myself up if I don’t, like this week).

  17. Now that it’s warmer trying to spend at least 5 mins outside every day.

  18. Recently, my favorite thing to do is blast some metal on my headphones while going on a long walk next to the river 🙂

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