Do you notice hairy arms and peach fuzz everywhere , get turned on by it, or do you not pay much attention? Pits, pubic excluded.

  1. I don’t really pay attention to it tbh. hairy, trimmed, shaved i don’t mind any of it

  2. If I notice it, it’s never in a negative way. Mostly just confirms they’re mammals. I like mammals.

  3. I personally don’t like hair on women and it does stand out to me. Hairy legs, arms, and armpits aren’t my thing.

  4. Peach fuzz is a non issue, if she’s competing with me for the title of hairiest in the relationship then we may have a problem.

  5. In regards to pits and legs, I can totally accept if they haven’t kept up with maintenance but if they have a Chewbacca thing going on, no thanks. But like forearms? Eh, I wouldn’t expect that to be maintained.

  6. I notice it. Not my preference but not a deal breaker (except pit-hair).

  7. I actually don’t really care about women having body hair. Yeah as a guy I do like how women are mostly less hairer than men on average and I like how women’s skin is a little softer and smoother, but yeah I don’t think women having their natural body hair is bad or anything.

  8. imma get it where i can get it cmere and bring that furry ass of yours, doggy style and howl like hairy wolves.

  9. Hairy legs are not a turn on but it’s easy to ignore usually. I don’t mind trimmed and short hair between the legs but when I’ve got long pubic hairs in my mouth it’s not very pleasant or sexy. I’ll usually just opt out of going down on someone there’s other methods of pleasure. Armpit hair is a strict turn off but if you just haven’t shaved in a little bit it’s not bad. Peach fuzz isn’t noticeable ever.

    I also shave/wax and keep whatever hairless my wife wants. It’s a two way street

  10. I kinda find some body hair in women attractive. Like when their hairline comes down a lot and they have a lot hair in the sideburn area. Some arm hair is cool too

    Not a fan of armpit hair tho. I shave mine because it’s a tropical climate and they get smelly

  11. I see it but I wouldn’t say I pay much attention to it unless it’s hair like a man has. Women have body hair but it’s different than men’s. If it looks like women’s body hair, it’s not unattractive or noticeable.

  12. I don’t really care if my girl has a bit of hair. She notices more than I do.

  13. I don’t want to shave my body hair, so I’d never ask my partner to shave (or not to shave if they like to). I prefer natural looks, minimal to no makeup, that sorta thing. I want to love the person for the real them, not a doll version.

  14. Id hope those that prefer women to be majority hairless would be as respectful to their partner to be the same way if that was her preference. Two way street and all

  15. My wife is very hairy. I appreciate it when she shaves her legs but not a big deal either way, just feels nice. She has some nipple hair she is self conscious of but I really don’t care. I’m very hairy so to me she is basically smooth

  16. Her body her choice. But I was raised on 70’s porn so there’s that.

  17. The responses here are much different than the average, non-Reddit male. Most men notice women’s hair and don’t like it

  18. My girlfriend doesn’t really touch her arm hair and can let her arm pit hair grow out longer than most women do. I don’t particularly care too much about it

  19. I’m a woman, I keep up with everything as much as possible but I can shave my legs in the evening and by the next afternoon they’re stubbly again… I can shaving every day so if your not gonna fuck me because I don’t shave every day then that’s your loss 😂

  20. My wife is pregnant and there’s some body hair things happening. I don’t give a crap about it. Looks and body hair took a back seat years ago. Its just hair.

  21. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t give it some attention but I also feel like I have no right to complain since I’m a very hairy man myself so I can at least understand any and all difficulties they go through.

  22. I was in a relationship with a girl for five years, she has very mild hirsutism. It was entirely a non-issue and didn’t impact how I saw her at all.

    She didn’t have a beard or anything, but she had visible darker body hairs all over that she was self conscious about. She finally accepted herself though so that was the main important thing 😀

    Now she’s married, so I guess her husband didn’t care about the body hair either 😛

  23. My gf asked me if it would bother me if she didn’t shave and grew out her hair. I told her that she is free to grow her hair out however she wanted. It doesn’t change the way I feel for her and honestly it doesn’t bother me. If anything I get a sense of reassurance that she feels comfortable with me, that she feels comfortable growing her hair out and not stressing to keep up the maintenance constantly. A sign that she is not still looking.

  24. I pay near zero attention to this.

    If I’m attracted to you, I’m attracted to all of you. Any angst that you might have about body hair will have to be generated by yourself for yourself, since it’s less than a non-issue for me.

  25. I am one of those crazy who are into it when women have natural hair. So yes I pay attention and get a bit flustered when a woman (that I find attractive) has armpit hair for example.

  26. If she’s gone through the effort to remove hair from somewhere I say “ohhhhh so smooth” but if she hasn’t then I focus on some other component I like. My focus is on parts I like, I spend very little time thinking about parts I don’t.

  27. I don’t really care that much….

    It also helps when I’m feeling like a caveman. Heh

  28. Like I always told my wife, whatever you’re more comfortable with is my preference. I don’t mind going over a little rough to get to the green so to speak. I think if someone has a fully waxed down under, they’re probably too young for me haha

  29. As a teen, one of the first women I hanged around with that showed skin never cared much for conventional “rules”, totally inherited her (hippy) dad’s genetics and thus had hairy legs, hairy armpits, etc. Never bothered me then and would not bother me now. Body hair does not make anybody any lesser or more of a women.

    As a rather hairy guy myself, I can relate to weekly grooming and it becoming a chore, and would not ask for any woman to go for the Barbie look. I’m firmly “whatever floats your boat”, but I would not allow me to let myself go, since I look like an unkempt gorilla after three weeks of not grooming.

    Plus, I find those fine hairs on the lower back, the nape of the neck and the happy trail to be sexy as all hell on a woman. Yowza.

  30. Don’t really care. If I find a woman sexy I’ll eat her musty, hairy butthole

  31. Can we just agree both men and women that shaving is the fucking worst 😵‍💫

  32. I just gotta say, these comments are so refreshing. You so deserve awards. I needed this today ❤️

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