Well this boy (my senior in university)used to flirt with me (24f)a long time ago for almost two years but then we haven’t texted for at least three years and suddenly i found out he just blocked unblocked me out of his followers and it’s really weird cause it’s not like he made his page for close friends and families or anything! He even made his page public rn:/ I don’t even know when he did that i just found it out today and I don’t understand the reason. We even didn’t date that much, also sometimes ago he replied to once and in the direct messages i saw that the older texts were gone so I thought maybe it’s a bug or sth but now I’m thinking maybe he even deleted the messages:/

So has this happened to anyone before? Cause he did it after he migrated to another country with his gf and we aren’t even exes!

Ps: just to note even when we were talking he played many mind games that I couldn’t even understand.

  1. He rejected you, he isn’t going to magically go head over heels to you. You’re over thinking it.

    Have you ever heard of a couple that said, yea he unblocked me and now we are happy ever after? Lol

  2. My guess is he changed some setting and sort of unblocked everyone at the same time. I don’t think this has anything to do with you per se.

  3. You need to get yourself to a place in life where you are no longer checking his social media, so that you’d never know if this happened.

  4. Question: why do you care? This is… so not worth the time or energy of thinking about.

  5. This behavior is confusing because you’re overthinking the hell out of it. An ex crush from three years ago removed you as a follower? This is hardly a reason to alert the presses. Exes have unfollowed me at random times, I’m sure no thought went into it besides “I don’t talk to this person and don’t care to have them on my social media anymore”. He also could just be getting more serious with the girlfriend and doesn’t care to have social media connections with former flings.

    This isn’t a mind game. He didn’t do it so you would see it. Let it go.

  6. Ignore him unless you want to regress back into a crush

    Move on already, grow up

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