Loners, why don’t you like being around people?

  1. I don’t get any enjoyment out of socialising and find it quite stressful.

  2. Other people constantly bring unwanted drama to my life.. drama that I don’t care about.. I have a wife and kids.. that’s all the drama I need.. also, people are loud – rude – annoying – and unpredictable

  3. There is good people, but they’re getting harder and harder to find.

    So many are either fake, users, liars, selfish, talk behind your back or immature.

  4. I absolutely used to love being around people, but now that I am getting roasted constantly I have left most of my circles.

    _Leave the table if respect is no longer being served_

  5. They’re loud and I’m just used to being alone so I prefer being alone

  6. rather than being pretensions for hours just to hang out with others is worse than being alone. Being alone and being lonely is not the same

  7. The incessant talking about themselves and other irrelevant shit. It’s like they are uncomfortable with silence and have a need to fill it even if it’s not interesting. And everyone nods their head and joins the circle jerk.

  8. They are either obliviously self-centered or have zero consideration for others. Not everyone but more than enough for me to consider weeding out.

  9. People pull the “I am in distress i need help” and when you offer suggestions, they ignore it and keep putting themselves in stupid positions. I am not a person who stays in distress and have always pulled myself out with no ones help, so i dont understand why they immerse themselves in constant bullshit and then say there is no hope for their future. It is pretty lame and happens a lot. Dont expect me to help you or take you seriously when i have given you perfect examples of how to change things and you dont take it.

  10. It’s not that I don’t like being around people. I’m just perfectly content being on my own.

  11. I’m afraid of letting my walls down around people. The idea of opening up and getting laughed at for a hobby or interest scares me so I just try to keep everything to myself.

    Not everyone will do that. I understand that much, but it doesn’t make it less scary

  12. I like socializing but i also like my personal space, i don’t like to get to personal so i leave it to my personal space.

  13. I heard it described as a cup of water. For introverts being around people takes water away from the cup, until there is nothing left. For extroverts being around people puts water in the cup, until the cup is overflowing. I’m an asshole, my cup is always half empty. Being around people empties the cup very quickly

  14. Sometimes I don’t have anything to say and that’s fine, but I wish other people felt the same way.

  15. I can enjoy it small doses… but after a while I need to ‘recharge’

    I find being around people can get exhausting… not only mentally… but even physically. I actually start to find myself getting tired when I’m around people for too long.

  16. Most people in my environment and age are either not interested in talking about the stuff i like to talk about, or i enjoy being around them for a few hours and then quickly get exhausted and want to be alone for a while.

  17. Compare it to this: the dog is barking, your mom is talking to you in a way that requires attention, your friends are texting you wanting response in 30 sec. While you are in class listening to a subject you can’t wrap your head around.

    That’s how introverts feel in a social setting. It’s OK for a short while, but draining.

  18. Most people are fake, negative, and or toxic.

    Being alone makes me feel more comfortable and more at peace.

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