I don’t have a car or a driver’s licence. But I work part-time at this grocery store.

I don’t exactly preach this fact to people. In fact, nobody at work should know (because it’s not relevant to any of my co-workers).

However, despite this fact, some random middle-aged woman in a department I don’t even work in named Emma somehow found out that I didn’t have a licence — and she couldn’t get over it.

For about a year, every time she’d see me pass by, she’d confront me in front of everyone, asking me how I got to work since I don’t have a licence. Like she thought I was lying for some random reason.

What annoyed me was that she was making a big deal about something I didn’t really want people to know about.

One day, she saw me jangling my house keys in a rush and screams out, *”I KNEW IT. I KNEW YOU HAD YOUR DRIVER’S LICENCE”*. I just looked at her completely stunned as I had to be somewhere.

A week later, she comes up to me and wants me to confess to her. *”It’s okay, you can tell me, I won’t tell anyone hehe”*. I rolled my eyes and was tired of the constant harassment for over a year, so in one fell swoop, I lie. And I tell her what she wants to hear — that, yes, I do in fact have my licence.

(And I figured that would be the end of it).

But a month later she gets transferred into my department. And immediately tells my manager that I have my licence. A week later, my manager starts pressuring me into doing graveyard shifts because *”a little birdy told her”* that I have my licence. So I had to finesse and persuade my manager. I told her that I lied to Emma because she wouldn’t stop hounding me (which is the truth). And I also told my manager to keep it between us…

A week later Emma confronts me again. *”You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”. ”\[Manager\] seems to think that you DON’T have your licence”.*

I explain to Emma that I had to lie to our manager because she was going to force me into doing graveyard shifts. At this point, I can’t come clean to Emma because it would look ridiculous, and quite frankly, it’s none of her business. But I also call her out for snitching on me when she said she’d keep it a secret, and asked her once again, to please not to tell anyone.

She immediately tells our manager who I’ve fortunately convinced that I don’t have a car.

But now it turns into an argument between the two of them…

Emma comes back up to me a week later with a smile on her face wanting the truth from me. She says her and our manager were arguing over whether or not I had my licence.

At this point, she’d indirectly admitting to again snitching on me.

How do I get this co-worker to stop obsessing over my life?

  1. Ask her: “Why is it so important for you to know if I have a license or not? Why do you care?”

  2. Tell your manager Emma is harassing you, and you don’t want any more personal interaction with her.

  3. Keep telling one that the other is lying. It’s not the most pro social move, but it could be funny.

    Alternatively I would just tell them you’re not comfortable sharing work related info.

  4. As someone who didn’t get my license until my early 20s, I heavily relate. People would not stop pestering me about it in a way that was aggressive and obsessive. This lady clearly has deeper issues. I would speak with your manager. She’s harassing you at this point.

  5. I do not like this Emma 😤 Have you been direct with her in saying you want her to stop talking about this? If not, try that. If so, definitely talk to HR.

  6. I gave up my license due to medical issues so I would totally blow my top if a busybody like her tried to hound me into telling her why. Why can’t people just mind their own business??? What a terrible woman she is.

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