What makes you sick to your stomach?

  1. Cauliflower. I have no problem with pickled cauliflower, I love it. Not when it’s cooked. I tried to eat it, I really tried. But I hate the smell and I can’t eat it. Seriously, it smells like stale farts.

    I have no problem with broccoli, though!

  2. Spit and drooling. Most of all? The emptying of a really full spit valve on a musical instrument. I’m kind retching even typing this out.

  3. Pickles. I hate them. Especially when you ask to remove em and they don’t…and when you remove em and got that pickle residue and taste still on your burger…usually makes me upchuck the fuck out of the piece I bit off.

  4. Poorly made sushi, either with seafood that’s going bad or with some bizarre twist to add flair.

  5. Taking 96 Imodium pills to saturate the blood brain barrier that’s supposed to stop the opiate (loperamide) from crossing to the mu receptors and knowing that after the tummy ache I will have me a nice long buzz to enjoy.

  6. I was watching Louisville in the 2013 March Madness when that dude broke his leg on live tv. Bone stuck out of his skin. And they kept zooming in and replaying… Truly sick to my stomach.

  7. if somebody wants to kill oyu, there’s nothing you can really do about it.

  8. the way autistics are being treated. they are being talked about like they’re not there. and when it gets addressed, people act like their nose is bleeding showing they damn well know it’s happening, they just don’t want to act on it out of self interest. depriving autistics of vital aid that is freely given to people in wheelchairs, the blind and deaf and nearly everyone else with physical disabilities.

  9. Easy question

    Rapists and pedophiles and people who abuse children in anyway.

  10. Food with too much oil. That shit gives me a headache even if I look at it

  11. Cruelty. It’s hard to explain how angry it makes me feel. Like it’s not just evil but wrong on a fundamental level.

  12. When tyrants try to outlaw guns that were purchased legally. Shit makes me want to gag.

  13. My face, my body, my thoughts… basicly everything about myself……

    Rapists, animal abusers, wife/husband beaters, lyars….

    the fact that slaneesh is a thing…

  14. People who have suffered intense abuse that become abusers themselves. It’s horrible and frustrating.

  15. Cruelty usually does it. It’s not hard to show alittle compassion towards anyone

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