18f I’ve read comments saying the word cute is the last thing any guy wants to hear about himself.

But for example right he send me a picture of him hard in his Pokémon onesie and captioned it bulgasor I can call that cute right? And he sent another with it zipped down and his dick poking out which I think may have meant to be sexy? But I just thought it was the sweetest thing ever like 🥰 and he does stuff like that all the time

And I want to say it’s cute but calling a bulge pic he sends cute sounds like it could come across wrong…

And he has no reason to be insecure he knows his size isn’t an issue so these comments should be okay?

  1. I’m not sure if we can assume the aversion to the word ‘cute’ extends to a man who owns a Pokémon onesie.

  2. He clearly has a sense of humor, and I would say that he is being intentionally cute, so it should be fine. If he objects, you can reply, “Oh come on, how can a hard on in a Pokemon onesie not be cute?” and assure him that you don’t regard his hard on by itself as cute. Really, bulgasor? He has to intend for that to be cute.

  3. Im 45. If I was doing similar (I mean.. I don’t own a Pokemon onesie, but now I kinda wish I did) and sharing sexy/silly pics with my wife, I would not be offended if she said it was cute.

  4. Context matters. 1st pic, yes cute is totally okay. 2nd pic, probably not.

  5. Dont overthink this shit.

    You know him better than any random people on the internet.

    This is kind of like asking “Hey reddit, what is my boyfriend’s favorite color?”

  6. Bulgasor!! O my goodness! Bro got rizz, I’ll give him that damn I gotta learn some for future it seems xD.

  7. Guys don’t like being called cute when cute implies “I have no sexual feelings towards you.” Or when cute implies “I’m attracted to dominance but I could never see you in that light”. Those are the reasons that make being called cute bad.

    In this context, **let him know** that he’s doing sexual things in a cute way, but it doesn’t affect your attraction overall. OR that you like cute things. Whatever is true for you.

  8. You might want to say it face to face so you can explain what you just told us if you see it sits him wrong. However, from the way your post is worded, you seem to be very in love with this boy, these kinds of feelings, from the way you express them, tend to be mutual or they don’t grow this way or this sweetly.

    This is just me wildly assuming stuff, of course, but he’ll probably enjoy your compliments and he’ll feel great knowing you find him so adorable.

    Do keep in mind that the issue with the cute/hot debate is that we feel like these two feelings aren’t compatible. My current partner finds me absolutely adorable and I love that she does, but I’m only so comfortable with it because she’s also very clear about how hot she finds me.

    Just like any person would, we love to feel sexy as much as we love to be seen as adorable. Just make sure he knows you find him attractive as well, and it should be fine.

  9. I have no idea why you’re asking us when none of us know your boyfriend, but I would file a “pokemon onesie” away in the Cute cabinet.

    This post is so wholesome and cute NGL.

  10. CraftyCelebration211 used Charm!

    Bulgasor used harden!

    Bulgasor used pound! It’s super effective!

    Bulgasor used gunk shot!

    CraftyCelebration211 used waterfall!

    Bulgasor used rest! Bulgasor fell asleep!

  11. I dunno. depends on how often you use the word cute and how you use it. for instance in the past, if I sent a spicy pic and I received “cute” back, I read it differently than “CUTE” or “cuuuuute” 🤷🏻‍♀️

    however!! my partner is an old man, and I know just “cute” is genuine and he means it in a sweet way.

    just ask your boyfriend what he thinks 😁

  12. I think when you talk about sex cute is not hot at all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)

  13. A good rule would be, just not to call his penis itself cute. Calling his pics, his pose, or his actions cute is perfectly fine. For example, if I shared a pic or presented my erect penis in a serious manner in person and the response was “awe, that’s cute” I would absolutely be offended, but if I put a little tophat some googly eyes and a monocle on it I’d be offended if you didn’t say it was cute.

    Basically, if he’s doing something cute or funny it’s probably fine to say it’s cute if he’s trying to be sexy and serious, I would avoid calling it cute.

  14. I LOVED the episode of Bob’s Burgers where Linda refers to Bob’s penis as a girl and when her asks why she think it’s a girl, she answers that it’s because she’s a pretty brunette, like Catherine Zeta Jones.

  15. There’s literally nothing I’d like more than for things I do or that I want to hear about myself other than cute??? Where did you hear this awful advice lmao

  16. A lot of nice & funny answers here, BUT here’s one serious thing: don’t call him “cute” while/before denying him sex or anything similar. Always connect the word with being available to him, as “you’re cute so you can fuck me hard” 😉

  17. Cute is more to sweet and less sexy. Call a nude (creative nude tbh) cute is the opposite of sexy.

  18. Just ask him! Tell him that he is really cute, and ask if he get’s offended by that term, like if he’d prefer sexy. He’d probably be fine with it and just happy to be celebrated by you, but it’s always good to communicate about flirting preferences

  19. You boyfriend, you would know him better than any of us. Unless one of us here is his loving mother/doting father. Or like his best friend for 27 years. My boyfriend likes it when I call him cute, but it varies from person to person.
    Probably yours would be cool with it considering he’s adding Pokémon to the sexual desire/making puns/jokes.

    I hope you two are blissfully happy with each other for a very long time though because this post made me smile from the sweetness 🫶🥰

  20. Cute means fuckable. Yeeeah cute could work. IMO he just sounds horny.

  21. Different context but my gf called my cock cute and initially I didn’t know how I felt about it (wasn’t sure whether to think it was a backhanded compliment in like a subtle demeaning way)

    but ey a compliment is a compliment we shouldn’t overthink such things

    (Also in my situation English is her 3rd language so I get it from that angle too)

  22. Depends on the guy!

    I for one, love being called cute & it doesn’t botter me in the slightest.
    If he seems to mind it never hurts to ask, then you’ll be sure of he’s feelings towards being called cute.

  23. 40m here. On the one hand, I recall thinking being called cute was kind of demeaning when I was 18 years old, since it reminded me of what they call children when they do something goofy. In the context of genitals, it might seems strange to him, but I grew to see it as a compliment as I gotten older. Maybe ask him to describe his gonads and see what kinds of language he uses (?)

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