So I’m almost 35 and have cut my drinking back from every day (2-5 beers a night) to drinking only on weekends (maybe 3-4 beers on Friday and 2 on Saturday).
I’ve really enjoyed my life with less alcohol, less brain fog feeling and just over all feel better physically and mentally.

Now if I have more than 3 beers it’s almost guaranteed I’ll wake up hungover (headache mostly) I hate feeling like I wasted a day because I have a headache and feel like crap until noon on a Saturday.

Is this just part of getting older? Not complaining about drinking less but it kinda sucks to feel like shit after a few beers.

Anyone else a baby about alcohol on your 30s?

How can I drink less at social events and still have fun and less social anxiety?

  1. At 36 I feel hangover after 2 beers even though I could easily take 4 to 5 pints without too much drama the next day back when I was a student. What I do now, is take a single beer, and then switch to non-alcoholic beers. Taste is really decent now, I still get the pump from the first one and placebo effect is enough with the following ones. And bonus, a couple of hours after that first beer, I can drive back home.

  2. I just quit all together. I went from 2-4 beers on 2-3 weekdays, 12-36 beers on the weekend to absolutely nothing. Life has just been so much better without it. If I think I’m gonna feel too out of place at an event with alcohol, I’ll bring my own Nonalcoholic Beer.

  3. Sipping a well made whiskey drink is what works for me. Weddings, major social events, etc I’ll usually grab an old fashioned and nurse it. The ice melts within the whiskey watering it down. As it’s a different drink, I don’t drink it as quickly like I was accustomed to with beer

  4. Yup found it got worse as I got older. A couple of drinks then I’d feel awful the next day. I’m 40 and I was also 100lbs overweight. Lots the weight, started eating better and exercising. Gave up alcohol. Best life choices I’ve ever made and I feel fantastic now.

  5. Your reduced drinking has also reduced your tolerance. That’s not a bad thing.

    I’ve recently gone to five dry days a week and experienced similar effects. If I have three drinks in a session, I feel drunk and later hungover. This is a marked difference from when I would drink one to drinks a night.

    I’ve found that Dihydromyricetin (also known as DHM) in advance of drinking ideally, has helped. As I understand it, DHM accelerates the liver’s production of enzymes that metabolize alcohol. Also may be beneficial for your long term liver health. I don’t drink without it now. More info [here](

    Even better is simply reducing overall intake when drinking.

  6. Some of it is certainly getting older. But another factor could be what you’re drinking. Comercial sludge can give you a headache where a fresh beer with only beer ingredients might not.

  7. For me it’s more of the impact it has on my sleep. 3-4 isn’t enough to get me proper drunk, but even with 1-2 my sleep quality feels compromised.

  8. Drink a glass of water before going to bed after drinking, I feel like the majority of a hangover is dehydration

  9. Depends on how much I’ve eaten that day, but ya I usually feel it after about 3 or 4 of them lol, sometimes I even feel the hangover hours after drinking

  10. Lol, yes. What’s worse is that I’ll actually start feeling the hangover symptoms *the night of* the drinking instead of the morning after. Heck, sometimes they start kicking in while I’m still drinking.

    I don’t love it, but it’s at least a good signal to stop drinking sooner and it prevents me from getting too drunk or too hungover the next day.

  11. A big part of hangovers I’ve found is how hydrated you are before and while you’re drinking. There’s wisdom in having a glass of water between drinks and before bed. Tannins also play a part – the darker the drink, generally the more tannins it’ll have, which contribute to a hangover.

    It could also be sleep apnea, worsened by drinking. I have sleep apnea without drinking, but when I would drink, I’d wake up feeling like dog shit, no matter if it’s 2 or 10 drinks. If you normally wake up feeling unrested, or people have said that you snore hard, it may be worth it to get a sleep study done.

    Another option is to just not drink, or have ‘a’ drink. Though people will give you crap about it, just ignore it.

  12. Right here. I’m still hung ove at work I only had 4 beers and I’m dying right now

  13. I’ve moved from beer to 4% ranch water or seltzers and never get headache hangovers from them like I do with beer or wine. Any alcohol still messes up my sleep, though, so avoidance is still ideal. Electrolytes like liquid IV help if I had a long night to make sure I don’t sleep dehydrated.

  14. Yes. While I used to be fine with drinking cheap beer, I find that the beers I’m interested in these days are all pretty high in ABV. So I mistakenly think 3 is gonna be easy on me.

  15. Substitute a pint/500 mL of water for the second-last beer. Hangovers are caused by dehydration from the alcohol.

  16. Yep. It happens. Asked my dad first time it happened and he just smiled lol. I’m not a big drinker. I’ll go a month without a drink nowadays. Drank pretty hard in my 20’s like most. Now I’ll have 4 beers and feel like death lol. I’m 39. I know guys that are my age and drink almost daily and rarely get hung over. I think it’s just tolerance.

  17. Drink way more water and I eat a little bit more for lunch/dinner. So 4 beers is like 7-8 big glasses of water. 10 to be safe. Only way around hangovers from beer for me.

  18. Less of it being a “baby about alcohol” however in my late 30’s I discovered I’d developed an intolerance to most beers, beers I’d been fine with since my late teens. Even a couple of bottle / pints and I was ill the next day. I switched to spirts and or real ales and have been fine with those.

  19. > Is this just part of getting older?


    > Anyone else a baby about alcohol on your 30s?

    I stopped drinking. Look into non-alcoholic beers if you want to drink in quantity with reduced effects.

    > How can I drink less at social events and still have fun and less social anxiety?

    There’s no easy way and there’s no shortcut. It doesn’t get easier, either. You just have to get used to being uncomfortable instead of trying to bury that feeling in alcohol. With time, you develop natural coping strategies (and you also realize that it;s possible to be social without alcohol, and sometimes even better). It isn’t an easy journey.

  20. Yep!

    Could get away with almost anything in my 20’s. Barely ever had hangovers, and the few I had were well deserved. Now in my 40s, I can feel lightly hungover before I’m even buzzed. If I’m drinking more than a drink or two, my sleep is ruined.

    I think it’s mostly just age. My health is about the same. Didn’t change my drinking habits (at least not right away). Just as careful with hydration.

    But, I can still enjoy alcohol. I just have to pay a lot more attention to what I drink and when I drink it. Listen to your body, and remember what it tells you, and you’ll be fine.

  21. eating before bed and passing out makes you not digest properly adding to hangover. inflammation is what causes most of the shittiness of the hung over feeling. ibuprofen when you wake up and taken with water before bed, and drinking water while drinking beer (alternating) helps. also drinking on an empty stomach messes you up more. long story short. hydrate, take anti-inflammatories, and watch when you eat. +1 to the sleep apnea comment as well, if you pass out hard and don’t breathe properly you wake up unrested. smoking a joint or taking cbd consumables helps me.

  22. I’m not over 30 so have no place to comment but I’ve had a few beers so I’m gonna lol.

    I’m 28 my hangovers are so fucking real now. I’ve drank a ducking bunch since I been 16. Since moving in with my gf, I’ve stopped going out 3 days a week (idk15-30 drinks, too much I know) to only drinking twice and mostly in the house. Mostly because it’s too expensive when paying a mortgage. I drink dramatically less now.

    I went with the boys to visit my friend that moved to London and 3 days on the bev nearly killed me off. I’ve never felt worse in my life.

    I think going back to what you were used to drinking is the issue apposed to age. I could be wrong though!

  23. Yep, I had 4 beers over 5 hours last night and I’m just now feeling better at 4 pm. I also get similar headaches if I don’t sleep, I think the way alcohol interferes with sleep has a lot to do with the hangover after mild drinking

  24. I’ve cut it out completely for that very reason. My recovery period after a handful of beers lasted from Friday night all through Sunday afternoon. No thanks.

  25. > How can I drink less at social events and still have fun and less social anxiety?

    Tbh regular drinking will likely be the cause of your social anxiety, not the solution to it. I also used to get it quite badly, I just figured it was just quite ‘normal’ for me until I quit for a while and it just went after a few months.

    Dont get me wrong It’s still tricky to really let loose but it’s much much easier to be around people and just shoot the shit.

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