It was around a month ago that me and my mom found out my dad is seeing another woman and spending money for her since then my life has turned into hell, this month the same thing happened again and alot of arguments happened in my family. I’ve been through a lot of stress and depression. My mom keep massaging me to watch on my dad and basically his every single move while she’s at work. These recent events have been weighing on me quite a lot and I don’t know how to cope with it. Please I need help 😔

TLDR; my dad is cheating on my mom and I don’t know to deal with it to help with this situation.

  1. Your parents should not be involving you in this at all. Shame on your mom for asking you to watch your dad’s ever move. That should not be your responsibility *at all*. How old are you? If you’re in school, I encourage you to talk to a school counselor/utilize mental health services they offer. In the meantime, do you feel comfortable addressing your parents about how everything is making you feel and that you’d like to be kept out of it?

  2. You need to forcefully back out from this situation on both sides. You are not a private detective. You are not a divorce lawyer. You are not a prison warden. Apologies to your mom, but she does not have the right to make you share this burden.

  3. Has mom confronted him on this? It is not fair to you to be in the middle of this. If she hasn’t, explain to her how it has affected you. Then the next time they are home, tell her you are going to give them some time to talk this out. If you have siblings, take them with you. Have her call you when they are done talking.

  4. Have you done the 2 years of mandatory military service yet? Seems like you’re 25 and that’s the best way to get away from your parents and get a job in your country

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