Or has there been?

  1. Some coworkers. Easier than avoiding them or being fired for telling them off.

  2. There has been, but I stopped pretending as it was as bad for me as it was for them. I spend time with people I like and nobody else gets my free time.

    I was quite the people pleaser though, so there has been years and years of my life where I pretended to like people so they would like me. I stopped caring though.

  3. No and no. If I like someone.. Then I talk to them and acknowledge them.

    If I dislike someone…. Silent treatment and ghosting

  4. Some coworkers/supervisors just so I can keep my job and keep drama at a minimum. Some family members like my mom’s sister. They love each other dearly so I get along for my mom’s sake, but I can’t STAND that woman personally.

  5. Everyone. Because I want to harvest the benefits of living in society…

  6. Most of my coworkers. I don’t dislike them, I just wouldn’t care if they all disappeared

  7. Father.

    I like squeezing money out of him. Only thing he’s ever given me in my life and he’s still stingy about it.

  8. If I strongly dislike someone, I lack the poker face to truly mask it. I do my best to be civil but I sure don’t feign friendship.

  9. Stepdad. Can’t stand the dude as a person. But he’s cordial and doesn’t mistreat my mother so I’m nice in return.

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