I’m 27, her 23. We’re long distance by the way.

Been together 11 months. 99% of our relationship seems great. Yesterday we had a bit of a weird exchange about how I didn’t reply quickly enough when she said she wouldn’t be online, so it makes her feel like I’m waiting around for her. That got cleared up, and all was okay.

We’ve been busy this week. Me on Monday and Tuesday, her on Wednesday and yesterday. Today I thought we were going to have a nice call and some quality time together. Instead when I said I was free she said she was catching up with an online mutual friend of ours. Cool, no worries – they haven’t spoke for 6 months. She said that we could play as a three on a game soon and she’d let me know when.

To me, “soon” meant within the hour. It turned out to be 2 hours afterwards. She sent me 2/3 messages during that time, saying to ask if anybody else wants to play with us as well, so it just felt like I was waiting around. By the time they joined our group, she could tell I was a bit off and asked if I was ok.

I said that the longer I waited the more I just felt like I was getting in the way of their catch-up. That just before she finally said she was ready that I was going to message her that it’s fine if she’s busy catching up with him and we could skip tonight. She said “yeah, we spoke for a long time. We haven’t talked properly since October, but it’s fine now”, before saying “no it’s better if we spend time tonight, I’ll be at a concert tomorrow”.

After that we just all chilled in the party while playing games, and after an hour she then said she was tired and went to bed. Not sure if overall I handled it badly or if it isn’t a big deal.

**TL;DR: girlfriend and me hadn’t called for 4 days. She then caught up with a mutual friend today and I felt like I was waiting around for ages. Not sure if I went about it the wrong way**

1 comment
  1. You didn’t handle this a wrong way. When you’re in a long-distance relationship there’s a lot of miscommunication. Simply because there’s a lot of communicating through text. You handled it as best as you could.

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