Hello Men of Reddit, I know it’s practically very difficult to last long and stay hard for continuous rounds. I wanted to ask if you have any tips to rid of overexcitement, how to pump continuously and avoid premature ejaculation, how do you do it?

  1. Just stare directly into your girlfriends/wifes butthole.. Focus on it.. Have a conversation with it.. Give it a little kiss..

  2. In my sexual experience, one can not last long AND go for multiple rounds. Most men just aren’t built that way.

    If you want to last long: Masturbate 4-5 Hours before having sex. This rids of some of the overexcitement and regulates your dopamine levels while having sex (yes, you release dopamine while having sex, not just at orgasm).

    If you want to go multiple rounds (respect): I always abide by the 20 minute rule. Once Orgasm, take a break for 20 Minutes. Cuddle, reinitiate foreplay, etc. You should be good for like… 3-5 more rounds until your dick looks like a boomerang, lol.

    Good luck brotha.

  3. Dude if you finish quick, go wank one in the shower first, then get at it. You’ll last forever lol

  4. Bwing depressed & Antidepressants. Sometimes I dont finish at all and can go for hours.

  5. Just practice honestly, I progressively last longer and longer over a month or two if I haven’t slept with someone for a while and then start up again.

    Otherwise edge yourself while your going at it, (get close and stop) like 5-10 times and then all of a sudden it’s hard to cum and you can pump hard for a while. Either tell her what your doing, or play it off like your resting and just want to kiss her.

    Or think about something gross while your doing it, half of it is in your head.

  6. You’re sure to get tips on what to do for yourself to last longer and that’s great, but here’s the thing to remember: most women don’t climax from just penetration. So while you’re worried about lasting longer, she wants you to focus on her breasts, her hips, her neck, and most especially her clit. Instead of thinking about pistoning in and out for 20 minutes or whatever, change your focus to her. Are you kissing her everywhere she likes to be kissed? Are you tracing circles across her tummy with your fingers and tongue? Are you sliding in slooowly and staying exquisitely still as you whisper in her ear how beautiful she is, or all the sexy things you’re going to do to her, or how she’s a naughty slut — it’s up to you to find out what turns her on. When you start to move are you gently caressing her mound all over, and finding the exact pressure and speed that makes her heart pound and her clit throb? And if you’ve touched her and whispered to her and licked her and taken her to places she didn’t know she could go, only then do you focus on yourself and all the practice edging and pre-session masturbation and cock rings and whatever else you’re doing to last longer. And I guarantee you if you then say something to her like “I want to learn to last longer so our sexy time together isn’t over so quickly,” she’ll get turned on even more and will absolutely love helping you with your long-term project.

    Tl;dr: Most women don’t need you to last longer, they need you to know how to give her pleasure. Put the focus on her and you’ll last longer, but she most likely won’t care.

    Sorry for being long-winded, I kinda got revved up just thinking about it. 🙂

  7. Some pornstar once said during an interview that he would start counting the tile at the ceiling.

  8. It depends on sensitivity and pressure. Basically you have been training your junior ever since you started wanking in your teens and now a pattern has bulit up.

    However, if you are very sensitive, you will come faster. One way is to use a desensitising cream or use a condom with the drug inside, usually advertised as a long lasting one etc.

    Second, where the pressure is exerted also depends, Try different positions. Like, in my personal case, i come faster doggy style than missionary. Cowgirl doesnt work for me somehow. So find what works for you.

    Additionally, speed of strokes. Try going faster or slower. You don’t have to do it like the porn movies and go at it like a machingun. Try out what works for both of you.

    All the best

  9. I am in my 50s so most of the relationships are with 40-50 year olds.

    Anything more than 30 minutes and they want it to end.

    Granted some want more, but long sex is a man thing. Women not so much.

    Sadly it takes a good 30 minutes to get a woman to climax.

  10. Find a rhythm and position that is difficult to climax in but is good for her. Do that until she gets off and then move to your finishing position and rhythm. Protip: you can do a lot with the tip of your dick directly on her clit.

  11. Change position. When you are almost about to pop. The change in position will take away the over excitement. This can be done a few times. Also relax and you will last longer.

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