Wfh – work from home

  1. My company went permanent WFH during COVID and they’d have to double my salary if they want me to trudge my ass back into the office.

  2. Absolutely.

    Employees love it, managers hate it. Several companies are trying to put the genie back in the bottle now, but the push back is real as it was proven that not only business could continue while working at home, but productivity and employee satisfaction improved too.

  3. Very much so. I personally dislike it, because I can’t concentrate in my own home, so I usually go to the office anyways.

  4. My office went 60% empty during initial covid. We’re state employees and we had a government mandate that if the job could accommodate WFH then they *must* send us home to work. Majority of everyone stayed WFH after they could opt-into coming back to the office.

    My team is the last team that did 100% in office work. They downsized our office accommodations. They moved us to an office space that was away from the city center. And they allowed us to opt-into hybrid. This move was probably influenced by an ice storm we had on December 23rd; zero people out of our 18 person team was able to make it into work. We are a medical records office. We are expanding the ways our hospital staff can give us high priority work digitally. And now 5 days per week we have people working on those items from the comfort of their home.

  5. Pre-covid, my employer thought it was the devil — a sure path to employees loafing about at home while getting paid. After a few months of covid lockdowns, they found out that some specialties could easily be just as efficient if not *more* efficient from home. My group has had our space given away — we’re *never* coming back on site. But some are hybrid. Some are pulling people back home. It’s going to depend on the employer but also on the field.

  6. It certainly seems more popular now than pre-Covid.

    It will be interesting to see the long-term effects of this if it continues.

    I personally dislike it and hope I can find a job that is not WFH.

  7. Covid sort of made it happen, and it’s stuck. I won’t say I love it–jobs are still jobs–but not having to pay for commute and being home as soon as I’m done are great.

  8. My team is fully in the office now (we have physical resources there, and provide customer service to visitors), but I hear a lot of people in my building are fully remote.

  9. I’d love to know where all these WFH jobs everyone crows about are. At best I see hybrid with 3 days a week in office, and a requirement to move halfway across the country.

  10. I’d bet that it is more popular on Reddit than in the real US. Most people do not have the kind of jobs that could allow for working from home.

  11. Yes, and not just for remote people. I live 2 miles away from my office and still work from home. I started going in one day a week this last month, but it isn’t mandated and that’s the most I’ve gone in to the office since 2020.

  12. It varies greatly, even within the same company.

    I have co-workers who are permanently remote and the department doesn’t care where they are (well, there are a handful of states employees can’t remote from, but I digress)

    I have other co-workers who only have to be in once a month

    My department has to be in once a week, and this is an order from the department VP in the corporate office. Not my boss, not my boss’ boss, not my boss’ boss’ boss, but like…2-3 levels up from that.

    Other departments have to be in every day.

  13. Sure is. My company does not have a physical office in my city. They couldn’t even force me back to the office if they tried.

  14. With the downturn in the economy I am surprised more companies are not doing it to get out expensive leases.

  15. Not in education.

    A few years back everyone was saying “watch out teachers, soon enough you will be replaced by screens.” A month into Covid and no one will suggest the idea for at least a generation.

  16. It’s not what it used to be but hybrid will be more popular than before Covid times for awhile yet I think. Eventually it will be more and more phased out

  17. I’ve been working from home since March 2020 and have 0 intentions of working in an office again. My job and employer isn’t necessary for use to be in an office and they are saving money on the office, equipment and utilities from the office space so they give us stipends for home internet, electricity, and desk supplies. It’s awesome

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