This might sound weird but surely I can’t be the only 1 this happens or has happened to..

There’s this girl at my gym.. Unbelievably stunning and she looks at me like I’m Brad Pitt.. Like I can tell by her eyes she really likes me and I’m very average looking but I can tell she likes me.. Her eyes widen every time she sees me and If I show her little attention by looking her way she smiles a lot and can’t help it

I get this sad feeling like I know I can’t approach because I have no game.. Don’t know what to say.. Plus really difficult to approach at the gym.

Anybody else ever feel like this?

  1. When I was a young and unconfident, yes. I recommend being bold, you’ll learn from it even if she says no. Also, don’t shy away from the fact that you feel like you have no game. Own it ✌️

  2. Yep. Here is what I’ve got from fucking this up only a couple dozen times. If she really does like you that much, it doesn’t matter how you approach her. Just walk up and say, “Hey! I don’t want to interrupt your workout too much. Do you want to exchange numbers and get coffee sometime?” If she says yes, then sweet! If she says no, hit the smelling salts an set a bunch of new personal records and leave. Now you know.

  3. Dude I agree. I am a very humble but have been told numerous times “hey you are super attractive how come you don’t have a gf”. It sends a gutpunch to me. I am like you I just can’t approach sometimes and it kills me. May just full-send it next time.

  4. Go for it, talk with her at the gym. Since you seem to be lacking experience and confidence, don’t ask her out right away though.
    Get to know her a little bit first, this can help you be less intimidated for the eventual date. If you can, be flirty. Don’t let this last too long though, she might lose interest or think you just see her as a friend.

    After a few sessions of talking at the gym, ask her out.
    “Hey, would you like to get some drinks next next time?” or something like that.
    Then, you go with the flow.

    The worst thing that can happen is she’s not actually interested, at the end of the day, not acting on it or getting rejected doesn’t make any difference to you current situation.
    If it doesn’t work out (pun intended), you’ll still have gained some valuable experience.

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