I’ve always had dandruff as a kid, but now that I’m getting older, it’s also in my eyebrows and along the sides of my nose, and whenever I don’t shave, my whole face flakes out. Even my forehead builds up dead skin sometimes, and I have sheets of it coming out of my ears.

I have no idea what it is or what’s causing it, all I know is that it seems to be getting worse the older I get – the flakes are bigger and more persistent. I have no idea what to even call this to ask for advice. Dandruff from Hell?

Has anyone else experienced something similar? Is it just my skin changing as I get older, or do I need to eat more vitamins as I age?

  1. First, go see a dermatologist. Could be something more serious. If just normal dry skin, eczema, or dermatitis, you’ll want me find some good cleansers plus moisturizers that work and use them frequently. I use vanicream mostly. Try one of the skincare subreddits too. I get this exact same thing you described and it came about with age. My dermatologist said it was dermatitis. If it spreads to the scalp, you could lose some hair so go get help for sure.

  2. You need to see a dermatologist to get that treated. But from your description it could be seborrheic dermatitis. A selenium sulfide shampoo may relieve the dandruff issue over time, but it won’t do much for exposed skin. Your dermatologist would be the best source of help.

  3. Probably mild eczema, I get it in my eyebrows especially in winter when I’m getting little sun. Try Cetraben cream if it’s available at the pharmacy without prescription. Works well for me, or if it gets more serious I add a little hydrocortisone cream.

  4. Do you drink red wine? Or drink at all?

    Try giving it a break for a while and see if it helps.

    I had dandruff and dry skin quite badly. I cut out booze and my skin improved massively.

  5. Sounds like mine, seborrhaic dermatitis. Other than normal dandruff, this started at early 20s on my mustache and neck, spread to the edges of my hair, behind the ears, eyebrows, my genitals (this one was really terrible), my lower eyelids and sides of my eyes.

    I was told and have somewhat prooved stress causes it to worsen. 2 months into new job it spread to both my eyelids. Never had it there before. Season changes also trigger it for me.

    Definately find a good dermatologist. I spent years going from one doctor to the other but nothing worked. Finally one doctor came through and now it’s calmed down. Still gotta apply the creams when it lights up though.

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