It’s like it’s instinctual but I’ll give a few examples. Daydreaming about being a hero, or having that “guy” who parkours or skateboards over buildings you would imagine when looking out a car window, or a more mischievous one, what we would be doing if we could freeze time on demand.

  1. Do we all have those? I’m sure the hero one is pretty common but I’ve never had the parkour/skateboarding one.

  2. I was day dreaming that my pillow was one of the spice girls and dry humping it all day.

  3. Parkour/skateboard wasn’t something I thought about and the hero thing is obvious because many movies, books, TV series or games do feature concepts like that.

    Most people of the same generation are influenced by the same media.

  4. I use to imagine all the time that I could be like Sub-Zero and freeze stuff. I even prayed for it when I was a kid. Aggh.. so embarrassing when I look back on it. That’s cool though. I’m an adult but I don’t pray for it. But I still want it lol.
    We all had that dream right? … right?

  5. I Imagined being able to freeze time on demand when I was very young, I bet most of us had the same ideas about what we’d do. There’s a movie about that called “Cashback”.

    I often imagined saving a girl or group of girls I went to school with from some random danger.

    I daydreamed about what I would do if I had godlike powers. I imagined a lot of good things I’d do but also thought of some pretty shocking things too.

    I dreamed about going to a Ferrari dealership and choosing which one to buy. I didn’t give up on that dream and bought one a few years ago.

  6. Men are hard wired to be the hunters and warriors of a tribe. It’s in our dna. On average men want to be able to be the protectors and providers for their family. Historically, men would go out and gather resources and bring them home while the wife managed the resources he brought in. They worked together fulfilling different rolls for mutual survival.

  7. I haven’t thought of the three things you said. Not that they are uncommon. I just haven’t.

  8. Have you never read a book or watched a movie as a kid. It influences us all equally.

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