So there is this girl that I’ve know since freshman year, we would hang with each other and my mom would even give her a ride home. We would do a lot of things together. Now we are both adults and also both Seniors and yes I have developed feelings, I just don’t know if she has. Also we will be graduating with each other in a few weeks. So I wanted to hang out with her again but this time I want it to be outside of school. She’s already comfortable with me and being with me so as a first time I decided to ask her out to the movies which I would pay for her. I haven’t asked her yet. And to be honest I have no experience in any of this at all, I mean with just asking someone like that. But I don’t want to prolong this like everyone else I had a crush on in the past, I don’t want to just tell myself “your time would come for the right one” and not make any moves at all. Chess doesn’t really start until you move your first pond, and I need to move my first pond now, I just need to find the right way to do it, Any advice?

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