What did you find attractive about them? Was it their aura, their vibe, or just how nice/genuine they are? How did you guys meet? Did it work out?

  1. Second year of uni, one of my philosophy professors. Fantastic woman, and I (a known slacker) would show up to basically all of her office hours because I just thought she was so cool. I would also get uncharacteristically nervous and tongue-tied around her, because she had both such an illustrious academic pedigree and was just so flipping smart and *nice*. I ended up taking three of her classes before I graduated (all three I could take).

    Basically, she was the reason I realised I was bi šŸ˜¹ It “worked out” insofar as I got to have a super fun crush and dip my first toe into the queer spectrum, and also got to learn a crap-ton and expand my worldview. It did not work out *romantically*, for obvious reasons.

  2. Probably a crush on a mid 30s married dad. We just made each other laugh. For a second, a crush developed on my side because, well, thatā€™s me. Nothing came of it though. And I did not want anything to come of it.

  3. not very weird but it was at a sailing club where we worked together , she needed to sleep at my house because no one else could keep her and because she lived far away from her the club (my house was close to the club ,we didn’t knew each other and I was new to the city) .
    so she took me to present the cities and the bars as a thank , slept at my house in a separate room . the next week she brought me to parties and we cuddle/slept together (only sleeping)

    I was 16 and never did anything with any girl so it was memorable . She was 17 and she after told me she was in a couple , and stayed with me because her bf was away and she felt lonely .
    She was having a rough time so idk how to feel about it but it left me kinda torn in pieces for 2-3 weeks . Luckily since we only met during 2 weeks and a half it was easy to get over even tho one the moment it was horrible.
    (I was in the town only for the summer)

  4. I had a dream once that Mark Zuckerberg was really nice and he did all these lovely helpful things, and for a few days the dream retained a bit of a crush. Keep in mind I hate the dude haha.

    Also happened with my boss once. Random sex dream and for a few days I was like damn maybe. Always people I dislike lol

  5. Did a photoshoot for a trans focused queer clothing brand, and the owner of the brand just sparked something for me. I can count on one hand the amount of boys I’ve crushed on versus the thousands of girls. And facial hair is like my single biggest turn-off, BUT something about this dude and his scraggly whiskers and his overall look and vibe. I actually flirted with him a bit during the photoshoot, and he is still the only guy I’ve EVER flirted with in my whole life.

    It’s been like a year since I last saw him and I still have a small crush on him. Keep up with him on socials and chat occasionally. I’ve actually been mulling over trying to flirt with him more recently >_<

  6. It was his confidence. Randomly approached me at the mall and told me I was attractive. We proceeded to date for about a year. It was the confidence to even come up to me that really opened the door!

  7. It’s not that weird but I’m going through one right now. This guy is in quite a few ways the opposite if my usual ‘type’ and is literally making me rethink what I want in a partner. I’m just really drawn to the vibe I get from talking with him. We met in school through a general course. We’re supposed to graduate as well so we met quite late.

    The few friends I told are all surprised about this because he’s not fully what they expected. I can’t tell you how it ends yet but it has made me reconsider some things so I suppose that’s good.

  8. Met my current crush at a gloryhole place šŸ¤£ So far so good we’ve been talking everyday( lots of video calling) and hanging out anytime she is in town. Been doing this for over 3 months now once she finishes college In may we are going to make it official šŸ˜ I just liked how easy it was to talk to her right off the bat and how calm I feel around her. I’m not like that with hardly anyone I meet at first. It usually takes me months to be that comfortable with someone especially women.

  9. It was u/williamshatner send I met him at Phoenix comic con after my parents bought me a meet and greet as well as a ticket to the convention.

    I wanted to tell him a joke about him turning 88 but I was too shy.

    Woulda been something along the lines of “hey don’t feel bad about turning 88, that’s better than 69 cuz you get ate twice”.


  10. may of 2020 i met my fiancĆ©, soon to be husband. my friend invited me and my best friend to go to one of his friends 21st birthday parties. at the time since covid all of these plans me and my best friend had were cancelled (we actually had tickets to a concert that same night). anyways, we go to this party and iā€™m meeting everyone and i remember looking out the living room window and seeing him. i was surprised because at the time my type was not what he was lol. but something about him i had this instantaneous feeling. i told the friend that invited me that i thought he was cute, and asked if he was single. he said yes and went and told him i though he was attractive lol. he ended up coming up to me and we chatted the whole night. where this party was was in the middle of no where hours away from where i lived. and coincidentally he lived only 45 minutes from where i actually lived. we exchanged socials, we hung out for like three weeks straight, i ended up going on a vacation with him in florida. while we were there he asked me to be his girlfriend, fast forward a year later and he asked me to marry him on the same beach he asked me to be his girlfriend on. fast forward to now, weā€™re getting married in two months šŸ™‚ the funny thing is that we both would have never been at that party if it werenā€™t for covid cancelling our plans, he was actually supposed to be in europe at the time of the party and like i said, i was supposed to be at a concert. itā€™s weird how certain events that happen in your life lead you to certain people

  11. I’m a atheĆÆst Dutch girl and fell in love with a Syrian girl who is muslim. And married.

    We met at work, at a daycare.

    We had an intense affair. Got caught by her husband. Really bad for her.

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