This happened about an hour ago, and I need advice desperately. This is the first time I’ve been in a situation like this and I don’t know what I should do at this point.

TL;DR: I recently made a (now former) friend (Kevin), who emotionally and verbally abuses his girlfriend (Allison). She has been trying to leave the relationship for over a year, but whenever she tries to pack up, Kevin berates her and physically stops her from leaving with all her things by trespassing her. When I talked to her about it, I offered to help her pack up. Kevin catches me and immediately trespasses me out of his house. He starts yelling at his girlfriend. I call the cops on him so they can mediate and ensure she packs up and leaves without issue.

Edit: I just got a call from Allison. She is still with him, nothing has changed. She apologized for making me help her. She tried to ask if I was the one who called the police, which I declined to answer. I asked her if Kevin was next to her, and she said yes. I said nothing more, then she hung up. Now I fear that this will get much worse.

About a year ago, I made friends with Kevin from a local range. I only started going to his house about 3 months ago. I thought he was a decent guy, just very principled. My opinion of him went down when I saw how he interacted with his girlfriend. He has a very 1950s-esque view of women and relationships, where he believes that the woman should be absolutely subservient to men. I disagree with that entirely and find it disgusting, but I held my tongue because it was their relationship and it seemed consensual.

Today reached a breaking point where Kevin got into a heated argument with Allison. I’m not going to disclose all the details, but he was very out of line and kept berating her over something trivial. She was crying, and him yelling at her didn’t help the situation. He made her come downstairs and tell everyone (myself and two other friends) that she needs to get her emotions in check and that she’s ruining the weekend for everyone. The two friends and I left shortly after to go to the gun range, but something didn’t sit right with me.

When we got back, Kevin and Allison must have been arguing again, because I could see her eyes swelling and her holding back tears. Kevin made her apologize for not having her emotions under control again. While the other two friends were leaving, I asked for them to sit down so we could have a civil discussion with myself as the mediator. Kevin spent most of the time talking about himself, his expectations, and didn’t really give Allison a chance to speak. Once I realized that the conversation was going nowhere, I asked Kevin if he could leave the room so Allison and I could speak in private.

I asked her if she was happy, and she said no. I told her that what I was witnessing was a textbook example of abuse, and that I’ve only seen their relationship for about 2 months, tops. I asked if she had any plans of leaving him. She told me that she’s been trying for the past year to leave him, but every time she tries to pack up her belongings and leave, he berates her. Kevin tells her that he will help her pack up, but he just yells at her, tells her that she’s giving up among other insults. After about an hour of this happening, Kevin usually formally trespasses her from his home, so she can’t really pack up her belongings.

I told her that if she wants to pack up, I will help her. I also told her that we should wait until Kevin leaves the house so we can do it without him knowing. She told me that she just wants to do it right now to get it over with, and that she trusts that Kevin won’t stop me from helping her pack up.

As soon as we finish getting some of her belongings out of the first floor, Kevin catches me helping Allison. He starts yelling at both me and Allison, and it gets very heated. I tell him to “shut the fuck up” so I can help her pack, and he slams the door in my face. Then he starts yelling at Allison more. I notice his backpack that contains a takedown AR-15 on the stairs next to him. I keep my hand on my carry pistol in case things get heated. I yell at him to let me in so I can take some of the stuff (one handgun and hearing protection) I left behind, but he refuses. About two minutes later, he gets it for me, then officially trespasses me from his house.

I get really scared for Allison, so I called the police. I told them what happened, and I asked for an officer to come to the house to mediate the situation and ensure that Allison packs up and leaves without any troubles. I leave the neighborhood shortly after, and I don’t know what happened at this point.

I just want to know if I did the right thing, and if there’s anything that I can do right now. Allison doesn’t have my phone number. I really didn’t want things to go down like this, but once he started doing the same thing to me that he did to Allison, I was wanted to help her. My mother was very abusive to me and my father, so it was like watching life on replay. I couldn’t stand by and do nothing, could I?

  1. You did the right thing absolutely. She asked for your help and you gave it to her.

  2. You MOST DEFINITELY did the right thing. Sometimes all a person in an abusive relationship needs is that one person to validate that they are, indeed, in an abusive relationship. Thank you, for being one of the good guys. Anyone who stood and watched Kevin display that disgusting behavior and still wanted to hang out with him is a POS as well.

  3. That’s horrifying. I also watch way too many Forensic Files episodes to know this isn’t over for her. Even if he stays away, she’ll be traumatized for years. But – at least she’s physically out of his space and can try and start the healing process. Good for you for being in the right place at the right time for her.

  4. Honestly, this is an area where you need to watch yourself. Helping is fine, but she leaves she will have to go to leave while he is not around and leave with very little possessions. Where would she be going if she does leave? Family? You? Other friends? If she does leave and you help her and/or she stays with you he will be gunning for you. He sounds possessive, controlling and he will not be happy. He will be looking for her, looking for you, anyone that helps will be in as much danger as she will be in. Hope she can get out of this abusive relationship, but it won’t be easy. Good luck.

  5. Time and again boys behave completely different in public, with their friends and even family then with their girlfriend. There is a reason some boys are always ending up single. Their crazy or abusive in secret. You just never know the true character of a boy.

  6. So yes you did the right thing.

    But next time you help someone in a similar situation realise that only the legal system can trespass you from a property.

    Allison as a resident of that property has the right to insist that you stay for her safety.

    As she has yet again fallen for his BS, wash your hands at them both.

    You tried to help, that help has been refused, no longer your problem.

  7. You tried to help her, and you did the right thing. However, she is still with him and is trying to get information from you. BLOCK HER. Cut all contact. You can’t put yourself in more danger. They probably know it was you. If he knows where you live and show up there, call the police.

    You will put yourself and her in even more danger.

  8. Leave these weirdos alone. If he is too dumb to stop and she is too dumb to leave even when she had a perfect scenario to, they deserve the shitshow they are staying in. Dont let people drag you into their bullshit. It may be dangerous for you. You are a wonderful person to try and help.

  9. You need to get all her friends and your friends together and go get her out. Get her into a domestic violence shelter and get a protection from abuse order so that he must stay away from her. You’re going to have to be proactive in helping her.

  10. You need to talk to her when he is out of the home. Get friends to take him out and you go and get her out.

  11. I think you did all the right things. I’m sorry she did not leave.

  12. I don’t think you know what the word “trespass” means.

  13. Sadly, this is why people don’t step in to help women in this situation more often. You need to go no-contact with both of them.

  14. I agree with everyone here; you did the right thing.

    But she has chosen to stay with him, and you (rightfully) worry that now your safety is being jeopardized. Think about that next time she reaches out.

  15. If it’s not too late, you should really REALLY take a look at this and share it with Allison too. Let it be the very last time you talk to her if you want it to be, but her life is incredibly close to being a statistic: [](

  16. You can help her all you want but until she makes a real effort to leave and this is what she truly wants she will keep staying.

    Please be careful that you don’t end up getting physically hurt trying to help.

  17. I would just ask your friends know that she is in an abusive relationship and to help her if they can, teach out, keep in contact etc

    Well done for trying

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