Been seeing this guy from awhile now.. First time we had sex he was still ROCK hard after sex. I didn’t think anything of it and took at as a compliment. We did it again twice afterwards and literally still rock hard. He joked that I could talk and it’ll make him have an erection. Now weeks later we’re still intimate and the same thing…

He would be full erect. We’d just finish and laying down watching a movie or just talking and he has a full erection… I’m getting a bit suspicious maybe he’s taking something… I’ve never seen that before. Especially after having sex three times within two hours and still have a full blown erection… it’s not even like a chub or semi… (which I’ve seen with ex’s) it’s full erection. I didn’t believe him after the third time and I grabbed it to check and he was…

  1. Maybe. But I don’t see a real complaint here. If you are concerned for his health, just say that to him and the truth will cum out…or won’t cum out, idk

  2. We can’t know for certain, but staying ROCK hard after cumming multiple times is only something I’ve ever been able to do with viagra. Staying hard after 1 orgasm is do-able, but multiple? That’s pushing it

  3. I was this way until my early forties, and still sometimes under the right circumstances. However, around my early forties I figured out how to have stronger orgasms and that made me less likely to stay so hard

  4. My current partner can cum, stay hard, and cum again with basically no refractory period. Maybe like 5 minutes just to catch our breath before going at it again. It’s a blessing and a curse lol. He adamantly denies taking anything and I really have no reason to not believe him

  5. with some girls I can be hard after finish and want second round right after first, but it’s not all time.

  6. He’s probably taking them. There’s so many men that are low key taking either medications or supplements for hard on even at a young age. They all have no idea how much they are setting themselves up for disaster health wise. Anyways, most men cannot last as long as women, so best to ask him but chances are he will lie.

  7. Some guys have zero refractory period. It isn’t the norm, but those guys do exist.

  8. He’s probably taking something, but if the sex was good, who cares?

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