Me 21m, her 20f long distance

Edit: we have definite plants to close the gap and see eachother in about 6 weeks.

Me and this girl have been talking for some time, and calling every day. She’s very nice, very caring and I like her. The issue is just randomly yesterday I just stopped caring, I guess? I still call her and we talk but I feel like I’m losing interest in her when nothing has changed and I don’t know why. I don’t want to and don’t know what exactly to do because she’s a great person and I would like to continue what we have. What should I do to bring myself back into it? I’m not known for doing this either.

Tl:Dr, I’m losing interest and want to regain that interest

  1. Long distance relationship without definite timeline for ending the distance part is simply impossible to maintain.

    Be honest with her, and move on. Finding someone local would be a better option.

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