What do you think when you get a friend request from an unknown guy ?

  1. “Huh, weird.” And reject it. I don’t add people I don’t know IRL

  2. Tbh I don’t think anything, I just automatically delete the request

  3. In order, based on experience:

    * Wants to hit on me
    * Wants to send an unsolicited dick pic
    * Wants to hook up
    * Wants a sugar baby
    * Wants to scam someone
    * Likely bot
    * Rare: legitimate and valid nonsexual reason to contact me that has nothing to do with sex or relationships

    For all but the last, it’s an ignore for sure, a likely block, and a report if creepy/gross.

  4. Reject it. If I don’t know them, they’re not following me on social media regardless of gender.

  5. Stranger guy/girl is weird. I usually look up at their info if available, sometimes they are a coworker form the same company which I did not interact with, if its on linkedin I accept it.

  6. Friend request where? Facebook? That doesn’t happen.

    Insta? Doesn’t happen. Snapchat. Yes it happens.

    Tiktok? Yes it happens.

    There’s another group I’m in; I joined when I lived abroad and it’s a community of international people. I get requests on that app/community.

    General response: ignore unless I’ve met the person and spoken to them. Snapchat are usually weird guys looking to send dick pics. Instagram messages are strange men who send 1 word greetings. The two times I’ve engaged and talked to two guys, it went downhill. One was a model seeking validation (very insecure) and the other was some weird married guy who told me he couldn’t possibly be hitting on women because he was married (but left odd and weird comments on my beach snaps).

    Reddit are also strange men who seem very socially inept and have odd opinions. I only chatted to one bloke who seemed normal and had a job similar to mine. He seems ok. All the others were odd and I ended up having to ignore them. Or they just deleted their accounts.

  7. “How tf did he even found my account + * proceed to block*”

  8. “What, who?? No”, and then I deny the request.

    Same as when it’s an unknown person of any other gender.

  9. I’ve had a random guy in my friend requests for 24 weeks now lmao (forgot to delete)

    He’s someone I went to high school with but I never talked to him at all or had classes with him. He sent me a request after I commented “🔥🥵” under one of my best friends thirst trap pics, so.. never a good start 😂

  10. I don’t think anything. I just block. Why would I friend a person, guy or girl who I don’t know?

  11. decline and/or block everytime lol. there are places online to meet and engage with guys, even just as friends, but my established social media pages are not one of them.

  12. That it’s a scammer. I like to scambait so it’s always a scammer when a stranger contacts me.

  13. I ignore it but I’ll look at his profile and I’ll get a good laugh because it will usually say something like, “My pronouns are he/loyalty ♥️♥️♥️ and I love patience and long walks on the beach”

  14. I assume he’ll instantly try to message me and hit me up if I accept so I don’t. Same with guys from high school who I never had a conversation with and actively ignored me before my slight glow up.

  15. On instagram: answer no without thought.

    On Facebook: it only happened once the same day I tried Facebook dating. I got creeped out and blocked the dude.

    On Snapchat: it depends on my mood, but rarely happens.

    On reddit: Ill accept any chat request, I assume they read a comment of mine that they liked. Sometimes I have a great conversation with someone. And sometimes Im left wondering what the person wanted.

  16. That it’s my ex trying to get access to my life (he’s tried before). I delete it.

  17. Unless we have friends in common (or a common interest), I delete and block, especially on FB or Instagram, because they’re always scammers. Twitter is easier to spot. Although, when I opened my bible app in church this morning, there were friend requests from dudes I’d never heard of. The BIBLE app. We’re not even immune from being approached by strangers there!

  18. I think, “Oh Great, another creep messaging me” and block them.

    Please don’t message people you don’t know on the internet, at best it makes you seem like a loser and worst is scary.

  19. I think “I ain’t bovvvvered” and click ignore/decline/whatever.

  20. Depends on how I’m feeling that day. Normally just reject, but if I’m bored I’ll troll.

  21. It happens all the time on Facebook. I get messages from Men who compliment my post and would like to get to know me but they can’t friend request me because I have everyone blocked except my friends.
    My comment back to them is usually no thank you scammer!

  22. Nope. Decline. Block. If there’s like a nasty message attached to the request, I’ll show my husband and we chuckle. That’s normally just Reddit chat requests though. I don’t really get them on other socials anymore. I have blocks and settings on place regarding friend requests.

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