It can be anything, a person you’ve met or the wildest thing you did

  1. The next thing I know I’m at a strangers house playing an intense Monopoly game that I had to Uber out of an hour and a half in because I was sleepy

  2. My friends and I went clubbing and one of us (guy) got suuuuper drunk so we decided to go home. 3 Ubers later the he decided that at 2am he wanted brunch at the same time another friend was coming to pick us up on his way home from a fancy dinner party turned poker night. We tried to get the drunk friend in the car but he was determined to get brunch despite everything being closed and tries to bolt, we manage to stop him the first time but the second time our tuxedo dressed only manages to grab the hoodie of drunk friends shirt and drunk friend slips out of his shirt. Drunk friend bolts and tuxedo man runs full sprint after him.

    That is how I and the remaining friend spent a good 30 minutes walking in the same direction they went occasionally asking people “have you seen a shirtless man run down here while being chased by a man in a tuxedo?”

    Drunk friend ran all the way to his frat house

  3. I had a whole conversation with someone I had met 20 minutes prior about what type of snowflakes we would be. It was very wholesome. We just missed snow I think.

  4. There are so many I wouldn’t know where to start… so maybe I’ll start with: got gangbanged by a rock band at a recording studio. 😇

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