My bf would always get rock hard when only seeing me, touching me or kissing me. The first 1,5 years of our relationship he would be rock hard during sex. Since I introduced anal play (fingers), he CANNOT get rock hard at all from having sex or kissing/touching me. He often struggles to keep an erection or gets “semi hard”. He ONLY gets rock hard when I stick a finger up his ass or when he uses/rubs my feet (I’m not even involved, he isn’t even looking at me). I DO NOT want to include anal play or my feet every single time we have sex. Sometimes is ok, but not everytime it doesn’t feel ok for me. Now I really start to think he is not even attracted to me anymore. How can I bring this up to him? It makes me so insecure!

  1. Well, when playing with the prostate, most of the blood goes there instead of the dick so nothing strange there. It’s fantastic that you are willing to experiment with him and I’m happy for you guys. If you don’t feel like playing with his as just tell him. Maybe introduce a cockring or a penis pump. Please also note that with age, the hard on gets softer, it’s just the way it of luck! Enjoy!

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