I’ve been on dates with this woman like 5 times. We have gone to out to eat twice, coffee, ice cream, put put golf and walking.
We laugh and have fun, but the problem is she is very reserved. She doesn’t want to make out at all, never tries to put her arm on me, or on my lap. it’s simple kisses on the lips that’s it. When I asked her about this she gets very defensive and said she makes out once she’s decided to go exclusive. I never dated a woman that doesn’t want to make out at all. We have a lot of stuff in common but I don’t know if I can handle this without any effection what’s so ever. It honestly feels like I’m dating a friend or sister. What are your thoughts?

  1. I mean she told you her terms. If you want more, then decide to be exclusive. I’m not sticking my tongue down some rando’s throat either until I know we’re on the same page

  2. >It honestly feels like I’m dating a friend or sister. What are your thoughts?

    After the third date, press to move the relationship to the next phase, if she declines, move on.

    You are already biased in your opinion of her, might as well end it and move on.

  3. Question is, do you like her enough to be exclusive with her?

  4. You want to make out with her…

    She won’t make out with you unless you’re exclusive….

    Well, isn’t it kinda obvious what decision needs to be made?

  5. Based on your post history you’re dating a religious woman. Not only that, but you’ve only known her for 3 weeks.

    I’m not sure what you expect. She’s reserved and wants to be exclusive before going further. So you need to decide if you’d like to be exclusive or not.

    Just for the record, at 3 weeks I’d feel like you’re still a stranger. Wouldn’t be moving extremely fast either.

  6. Ask her why she feels that way. Maybe a guy was really shitty to her, so now she takes her time. She could still be a gem. Just talk to her and listen. Like less about your needs and more about understanding her.

  7. Dude, you’ve been seeing her five times, other than that, you don’t know each other, wtf. You should really chill. She kissed you, that’s good enough. Apparently she’s still unsure and will have her reasons. How about you ask her about that instead of going, “feels like. I’m dating my sister”? Sorry, not all of us drop down on our knees after the second date.

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