Asking as a guy in his 20s, have already experienced sand-like ones and will probably (genetics) get the larger ones. I’m so scared.

  1. Lots of lemon juice. The acidity can soften the stones. There is also a supplement called Stone Free that you can get on Amazon that is a game changer for people that deal with Kidney stone’s. Kidney stones suck so bad.

  2. First step is to not panic. It’ll hurt but you’ll come out the other side alive and well, if not sore as fuck. Are you passing one now? If so, grab whatever OTC painkillers you can and down a reasonable amount. If you have alcohol, maybe take a couple shots but BE CAREFUL if you are taking tylenol too. Tylenol and alcohol at the same time can be very bad.

    If you aren’t currently passing one… you’re probably fine bro. It’s a bit uncommon for men our age to get them.

    Cut down on carbonated drinks and drink more water in general. Your daily water goal should be around a gallon.

    Also! Let’s say you get a massive, kidney-bursting megastone the size of a fuckin’ peanut. You’ll still be fine. WORST CASE scenario is it gets surgically removed. They also have machines that use *sound* to break apart big stones. You’ll be okay.

  3. There are six major types of stones. knowing what the chemical makeup is is really important. Your PCP should have referred you to a urologist or a renal clinic. Get the science working for you. Different stones have different treatments. How ever the long story short is that what you are eating is your biggest issue. Soda, processed foods, fast food, Alcohol, sugary deserts. Just go cold turkey on all of them.

  4. I’ve passed 6, but had the lithotripsy done a couple of years ago to clean out my right kidney. Passing anything under 5mm is reasonably ok with proper medication. Strong pain meds, antibiotics for infection, and flowmax to help expand your ureters.

    I’ve done well keeping meds semi stock piled so when the pain hits I’m ready.

    I’d recommend getting lithotripsy done and blast what you’ve got up there. You’ll be pissing razor blades for a week but it’s worth knowing they are gone. Azo is an OTC medication that helps with urinary tract infections but also helps the pain going pee. The downside is that it turns your pee dark orange and can stain if you miss the toilet.

    Good luck!

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