What are some gym etiquette tips that more folks need to learn?

  1. If you’re away from a weight/bench for more than 2 minutes, you’re no longer using it. I hate when I’m putting on the weights…nobody in sight and just as I’m getting ready to start, someone charges over from the other side of the gym “I’m using that” because he wants to do that shoulder exercise there, that shoulder exercise there then come back to this machine when he’s ready

  2. Not recording people in the gym so you can get content for your social media feed. Even if they’re in the background they should be given the courtesy of a private workout.

  3. Put away your weights. I’m short and people leave the barbells or the smith bar loaded above a comfortable place to pull weight down.

  4. Truthfully, mind your business. Don’t talk to people with headphones in.

  5. Don’t bring your tripod to the gym. Try actually working out instead. Fitness influencing is cancer.

  6. Cover your genitals better. If you wanna see your camel toe or moose knuckle in the mirror, do it when getting dressed before the gym.

  7. Some people just want to workout. Some people just want to socialize. Don’t lose your cool, just because someone else doesn’t think just like you. Be kind.

  8. 1) learn basic counting and shape matching I don’t understand how people manage to pick up a set of dumbbells from one end of the rack and dump em at the other end despite them being a fifth of the size, literally everything about this should tell you they’re in the wrong place.

    2) unrack your fucking plates. It’s very unclear if anyone is using something if you just walk away with a bar loaded, it’s inconsiderate to the next person who has to then unrack whatever you had on to even start their warmup (I understand in more hardcore gyms leaving a plate on can be the considerate move I’m talking commercial gyms here). Finally it’s a dick move to the staff that then have to come through and take all the plate off bars/pick up all the ones dumped on the floor.

  9. Put your cable accessories back.

    Put the dumbbells back in their labeled spot.

    You don’t use more than one machine if the gym is over 50% crowded. The machine you’re on, is the one you’re on

    You don’t have 3-5 people on a machine for 35 min.

    Wipe your shit down.

    Take all weights off the barbell.

    Keep plate racks organized.

    (If the gym is crowded)The big double sided cable Machine(with the pull up bars in the middle) is not meant for one person to do fuckin chest flys in the middle taking up both racks. One person per side. The cable
    Machine that’s closer together… is meant for 1 person

    (If the gym is crowded) You don’t hoard multiple dumbbells and barbells and plates at your feet cuz you don’t wanna walk back to the rack to return/get other weights. Now someone has to wait for you to put back a set of dumbbells cuz you got em in your rotation of 3 other sets of dumbbells at your feet, keeping them like a dragon guards gold. Pick em up do your set put em The fuck back

  10. Don’t stand between someone and the mirror while they’re mid set. No one should mind if you need to pass in front of them, but don’t pick that spot to have a chat or play on your phone

  11. If you’re doing a combat sport, then wipe the matt if you get sweat on it and when sparring don’t go overkill on beginners

  12. Most of the main ones are covered already, but one thing that annoys me is the general sense of entitlement some people have.
    This is not your private gym.
    Respect other users.
    Like, don’t set up in front of the mirror in front of someone who’s already there, don’t get 14 pieces of equipment and take up an entire area simple things really.

  13. I’d say mirror etiquette. Be mindful of someone using a mirror to watch their form and avoid walking between them and the mirror if possilbe.

  14. Keep off the camera, especially in the locker room.

    Wipe down the machine and weights for the next person. Put back said weights.

    Don’t talk loudly or slam weights. Don’t make a scene.

    Stay off the steroids..

  15. Put the plates/dumbbells in the correct spot once you’re done with them. So annoying when people are too lazy to put the weights back in the proper places.

  16. 1. Don’t be a jerk or jerkette .

    2. Respect yourself, the gym and people around you.

    3. If you film yourself ask yourself why?

    4. Don’t film yourself. Gyms already have cameras.

    5. Clean up after yourself!

  17. (Approximately) Count your time between sets 🤔 Stop hoarding everything for hours 😂🤦‍♂️👎

    Don’t ask “how many sets you got left” 🤔🤔 that’s just a passive aggressive way of convincing the person to do only one more set with no rest 😂😭😂👍

  18. Don’t spit phlegm* (I mean the “hhhhHHHHGGGHHRRRHHppppuUUH” one) in the shower: it’s disgusting and you are not at your home.

    *I don’t know if there is a specific english term

  19. If you’re on a piece of equipment, do your set, take your 1 minute max rest then do your next sets and move the fuck on

    Anytime I see someone parked on a machine checking their phone after doing a set, I wanna smash that phone under a weight stack

  20. Use the machine and get off it. Don’t sit there for a minute between your sets.

  21. Keep you phone for your use only and stop taking pictures. People go to the gym to relax not to be in your shitty social media update that no cunt cares about anyway.

  22. Where redditors live you’re not allowed to talk to people at the gym but everyone is recording influencer videos.

    Where redditors do NOT live its the opposite.

    Have to learn to “read the room” and either fit in, or move.

  23. If you want to use equipment that I’m on, just wait until I finish my set, walk up to me, and ask “hey man how many sets do you have left?”

    I’ll give you a number and in 99% of cases will say something like “you can work in if you want man.” Which means you can use the same equipment between my sets.

    Sometimes new gym goers don’t really know how to approach and just wait for equipment nearby.

  24. Wipe your equipment before and after… don’t trust someone to have sanitized it for you cause chances are, they didn’t

  25. Move away from the dumbbell rack after you pick your dumbbells. Don’t stand there blocking the rest of the dumbbells while you do bicep curls

  26. Someone talking to you does not mean they are trying to get in your pants.

  27. No phones/calls on gym floor
    Wash hands after using the toilet
    Wipe equipment before/after use
    Obviously put equipment back after use
    Don’t smell bad
    Say hello

  28. Put. The. Damn. Weights. Back. On. The. Rack.

    And at the right goddamn place too.

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