Lets say your tinder date shows up in a Spiderman costume at a nice, fancy restaurant. What would you do?

  1. I’d be leaving. Depending on the kind of connection we’d had online before the date, I might invite my date to go get food elsewhere with me (fast food drive-through and maybe sitting in a park somewhere), but we’re not going into a fancy place wearing Halloween costumes.

    This would also hinge upon whether they’re willing to take their mask off so I can see their face in person, or if they’re otherwise being fucking weird about it.

    Generally… Not a good look. I like costumes, but if we agreed on a nice place and you show up, out of the blue, wearing inappropriate clothing for that nice place, I’m going to have to suspect that we’ll be otherwise incompatible too.

  2. Leave before I am even associated with them. Block them. Ponder if dating is worth it. What thunderously atrocious social skills.

  3. Probably either leave right away or try to get some kind of explanation from them.

    It’s not the costume itself that would be a red flag for me, but the terrible social judgment that would cause someone to wear it in that situation, especially on a first date.

  4. Turn around and leave before anyone had the chance to realise I was supposed to meet up with the completely socially inept fucking child.

  5. You said “fancy” restaurant—so I’m leaving and not talking to them again. They have to know this would cause a scene. If they told me before hand they were going to do it at, say Applebees and I went along with it then that’s on me

  6. I’m eating.

    I love spiderman I just don’t feel like he’s first date material.

    We would have to unpack exactly why he couldn’t think of a better hero for me.

  7. I would find it amusing. Also, I really like Spider-Man, so it would give us something to talk about.

  8. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain who proceeds to walk out the restaurant.

  9. Laugh, do the Spiderman point, and then leave with them to go somewhere else because that’s an inappropriate outfit for the setting.

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