**Post your own achievement story**

Everyone who feels like sharing a story about sexual experiences can do so in this daily post. Be it a new or an old story, be it extraordinary or rather common; anything – from happiness over losing your virginity or having your first orgasm, to sharing about the amazing, kink-filled weekend of debauchery you experienced – is appropriate to this thread.

**Post an update to a post you have made in the past**

If you have posted for advice about a situation in the past and wish to share an update – this is the place for it.

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*Let’s hear about it!*

  1. Hi everyone,

    my achievements ever since I started having sex went from – to:

    -not having orgasms

    -having few short boring ones

    -having this feeling of losing control over my body & floating a few times

    -squirting like half of the time

    -having after-spasms for some time! It was awesome

  2. Today’s big achievement was making my girl squirt so much it hit the window of my car

  3. I slept with a new partner for the first time today and he made me squirt, which I’ve never done before! I’ve been trying to do it for a while, but I haven’t been able to get there. But something just clicked today. I was on my hands and knees and he was fingering me from behind when I noticed that I was starting to drip on the sheets, and before I even knew what happened, I came incredibly hard, and I absolutely sprayed the bed. I feel weirdly proud of myself for finally being able to let go and try something new!

  4. I think I might have had my first wet dream last night. My dream was of one of my last partners and I having sex and based on how good I felt when I woke up and how damp my underwear was, I might have enjoyed it a little more than expected.

  5. My partner isn’t really into sexting but says she likes to know when I’m thinking about her when I’m away. I messaged her late last night after I got back (we were both out with different friends) to let her know I’d been imagining doing all sorts with her that she’d never let me do for real. Got a response seconds later asking what they were.

    Turns out she’s changed her mind on her old “no pics” rule and so when I get back today she’s going to let me film her blowing me.

  6. Been with a new partner for about 2+ months, and in about a month’s time I’ve went from not being able to stay hard due to nervousness, insecurities, etc to being able to have continuous sex in multiple positions for 2+ hours straight 🙂

    I love them for helping me love myself again, and couldn’t ask for someone better to be intimate with <3

  7. Since I made my post, I finally orgasmed during sex last night! I was starting to feel sexually inadequate but after he initiated the foreplay, he offered to try a new position and it was by far the strongest orgasm that I have ever experienced. We were even able to keep going afterwards. We ended up having sex for about an hour and a half in a few different positions :)) It made me feel relieved to know that I was able to orgasm during sex, here’s to hoping for MANY more LOL

  8. The one time I hooked up with a trans woman at a sex party was so great. She had a bigger dick than me, and I thought that was really hot, also she was uncut and I’m not. We played a few times during the night, at one point she sucked me off (I didn’t fuck her) but honestly my favorite part was when I just jacked off her big, long dick and she came all over me, I just enjoyed that so much, I’m not the most hung guy and I’m at the point where I actually think it’s a turn-on to be out-dicked by a girl.

  9. Hooked up with a student from India for the first time…in London of all places. Went from quiet and shy to super loud and passionately vocal as soon as the doors closed behind us and the clothes started flying off. Probably my best lay EVER. Went about 6 rounds and about halfway through she let me cum inside her. Super firm tits that I didn’t expect her to have under those baggy clothes. Told me I was the first white guy she slept with, and the only guy who made her cum through penetration, talk about stroking my ego lol

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