I (29F) am obsessed with my husband (32M). I don’t know if it matters, but we’ve been together for almost 12 years and married for 10 months. Before you stop reading, hear me out!
But I’m worried that I have a problem! I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and on stimulates for the first time. My umm … desires have been increasing since then. I want nothing or no one else, just him. Unless I’m hyper focused on something else I can’t think about anything else but him inside of me.

  1. Could be cause of your ADHD that you are hyper focus on him. Hopefully it won’t fully die out

  2. I started getting super horny for long periods of time around the same age (I’m 31 now), it fluxuates and I’m fairly certain it’s pretty normal for women our age

  3. I have one question. How do you get him horny when you are horny? What do you do/say and where can I learn it, because that is all I want and don’t know how to express it.

  4. What you are experiencing is normal. You’ve got to think that you’ve unbalanced your hormones on purpose. My partner has been on and off various types of medication over the years due to EDS and right now we seem to have came to a balance of insanity sex and loving totally mind blowing lose yourself sessions. Take what you can, when you can 😁

  5. I am 33. The same way. It is only directed at my husband. By 3 I am ready for sex. I incorporate ANR and other non sexual sex into our lives. That helps.

  6. My wife used to go through phases like this and fortunately the last one started years ago and hasn’t stopped. Good for you!

  7. Same. I have ADHD here too and can’t get enough, though I’m not medicated. Could be focused on sex when bored?

  8. The point where it becomes a problem is when it’s getting in the way of the rest of your life consistently. Generally stuff you need to do. If it’s just you want to more often and it’s not a huge pain in the ass you’re probably fine. You can also talk to your doctor about it either way.

  9. Nymphomaniacs have an obsession with everything sexual. They will ignore consequences and put themselves in danger for gratification.

  10. yep, stimulants will do that. it’s through their effect on dopamine primarily. it should lessen a bit with time. enjoy the second honeymoon period?

  11. ADHD is associated with addictive/obsessive behavior. You would be more prone to low effort high reward dopamine activities: sex addiction, drug abuse, gambling, workaholic, alcohol abuse, caffeine/nicotine abuse, etc etc.

    But most folks with ADHD when they start treatments are less likely to engage in that addictive and obsessive behavior, so I don’t think you have to worry about that in this situation, lmao.

    More likely, this sudden ‘nymphomania’ is just a normal uptick in libido, common for women in your age range. Have fun with it! Keep in mind, 30s-40s generally have men’s libido trending downs so communication and coordination is key.

    Him increasing physical activity, regularly working out and exercise can offset that decrease in libido.

    There are medications that have sexual side effects, so it isn’t a bad thing to bring it up with your doctor, but given it doesn’t seem to be negatively impacting your life in anyway, have fun with it!

  12. I (31M) was also recently diagnosed with ADHD. I fantasize about my wife constantly. I get hard at literally anything she does. Any little brush of her skin, every kiss, when she’s walking around in her panties and T shirt, when she’s being amazingly on top of shit scheduling appointments, paying bills, taking care of our house, etc. She’s so fucking sexy to me. I love giving her sensual, naked, full body massages. Gliding across her naked body is enough to almost make me cum. It usually leads to more and I cannot get enough. I seriously feel like I found this secret treasure in my wife that only I get to enjoy.

  13. Sounds like the medication is working.

    It might be that the medication is helping you to focus in this case on your husband.

  14. Good for him. A nymphomaniac would be anyone anytime male or female or groups. You probably need a meds adjustment.

  15. I’m 21 and I have brief moments like that with my boyfriends but unfortunately it’s too much for him.

  16. Stimulants can absolutely increase libido, just be careful… slippery slope. Don’t increase your dose or anything! Definitely works on the dopamine reward system in our brains so you’re naturally going to have more dopamine released when you have sex as well.

    Some people end up chronically masturbating while on stimulants.

    When you say stimulants I’m assuming amphetamine (adderall, dexidrine, vyvamse) or Methylphenidate (Ritalin, concerta)?

    Nothing wrong with it if the medicine is helping and the sex focus isn’t causing duress. Lol

  17. It’s fairly common for women in their early thirties to experience an upswing in sexual desire.

  18. Stimulants like amphetamine and methylphenidate can increase sex drive, nothing unusual there. It will SOMEWHAT level out as your body gets used to them, but still higher than before. I’ve had this happen taking both amphetamine and testosterone.

  19. I’m on anti depressants which usually diminishes your sex drive however mine has skyrocketed. I’m in my 50s.

  20. When I was on stimulants I was too much for my wife. I wanted it multiple times a day. Now I’m mostly on the non stimulant versions and it has calmed me down to what I would call a normal level.

  21. Totally normal when going on stimulants for the first time. Expect you may lose weight as well. I wish I could say it will or won’t subside, but it really changes from person to person. My libido has been very high since I went back on my adhd meds and it’s been going strong for over three years now.

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