what is the one thing you do when you feel like you’re stuck in life and not doing anything productive?

  1. I analyze what I do right now and how that differs from what I did the last time that I felt productive over a longer period of time, and then I reproduce the behavior/habits from back then. It usually works

  2. I do something that I know I am good at, and focus on that for a while.

    For me, it tends to be martial arts. I will throw myself into an art for a few months. Maybe a new one and learn some new forms, or maybe find comfort in practicing an art I where am already competent.

    Last year I went heavy into Wing Chun. I still feel like I am a beginner in the art itself, but I am good at enough of the basics to not embarrass myself.

  3. I take a break.

    Usually if I’m in need of one I start hyperfixating on everything and then feel like I’m not doing enough. In reality I’m doing enough and am overworking myself. So I take a break, recharge, then get back to it with a fresh mind.

  4. Get my hair or nails done. If I am stuck it is not something I can change in that moment, but I can get a little boost with those things. Control what you can.

  5. Go for a long walk listening to whatever my current favourite songs, work out and take a relaxing shower. I’ll usually get more inspiration and motivation during and after doing those.

  6. Hahaha my adhd ass just needed a job that 1) is a line of work I can hyperfocus on and 2) keeps me on my feet moving at a lightning pace.

    It’s tough when I’m on my off days. I want to become more consistent about mindfulness meditation though to help me

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