The team gathered, donned the robes, cast the bones, and through our dark magicks realized that we require fresh blood.

To apply to be a moderator here at /r/AskAnAmerican, answer the following:

1. Why in the hell would you *want* to moderate this place?
2. How long have you been an active user on /r/AskAnAmerican?
3. What kind of questions do you like to pose to /r/AskAnAmerican and/or what kind of questions do you like to answer?
3. What times (include your timezone) are you most active on Reddit?
4. Who would win in a fight: Abe Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt?
5. What changes would you like to see in /r/AskAnAmerican going forward?

  1. 1. I spend a lot of time in this sub and I’d like to be able to help steer the direction this place goes

    2. Around a year

    3. I like to answer any questions I have personal experience or expertise with (mainly just HS/teen life lol). I don’t really post.

    4. I’m in CST and usually use Reddit most often from 4-6PM, although this varies heavily.

    5. Lincoln, although Teddy would give him a good fight

    6. I’d like to see much more aggressive enforcement of the “assume good faith” rule. Waaaay too often I see people berating foreign posters and assuming bad faith over what is likely language issues/general bluntness.

  2. I don’t wanna be a mod but teddy would fuck Lincoln sideways in a fight

  3. 1) I spend too much time on this sub already so I might as well be productive

    2) a couple years I think

    3) I don’t ask very many questions since I am American. I like answering anything unique, as well as anything about the rural Midwest

    4) Im in CST and am most active between dawn and dusk

    5) no fucking clue, but I’d buy a ticket to watch

    6) I think it’s generally running pretty smooth, but an extra set of eyes couldn’t hurt. And I have really pretty eyes. My mom told me

  4. 1. Only lunatics and madmen would want to mod here. I am neither, I’m just answering the poll.

    2. Longer than you think, and far longer than I should have been.

    3. I have no idea how to answer this.

    5. Smokey The Bear

    6. Far less hostility and smarmyness to certain questions. It seems 3/4 of questions asked are piled upon as if they’re bait questions and never get a proper answer.

  5. 1. I’m a masochist

    2. 3-4 years

    3. Anything with the bullshit flair

    4. I’m in the Pacific time zone and I’m most active between noon and 8pm

    5. Teddy. He’s got all the guns.

    6. Keeping it going as-is is the best thing for reddit as a whole. Its a beacon of sanity.

  6. 1. So I can say I have two jobs

    2. Not long

    3. I like to answer the dumb ones and the food ones

    4. When I poop and when I’m bored

    6. Lincoln killed vampires and would use his axe to shear off FDR’s mustache and make him weaker

    7. People should upvote my comments more and gimme those Reddit icon awards for everything

  7. I dont wanna be a mod but I would like to able to cast a vote based off interviews.

    Also, there should be a question number seven asking what type of barbecue is the best. Should thin out the herd.

  8. 1. I’m here all the time anyway, might as well help out a bit if I can

    2. Years, I’m not sure exactly. I saw the supermarket meat caste post…

    3. I like answering when there’s something interesting to explain. The confused stereotype posts can be amusing, but I like when there’s something actually interesting underneath to discuss. I think the only question I’ve posted was asking for regional names of isopods/pillbugs/woodlice. That was fun.

    4. Like 0600-2300 eastern

    5. Roosevelt. Lincoln was no joke, but Roosevelt could have studied Lincoln’s fights, while Teddy is an entirely unknown factor to honest Abe.

    6. I’d like to build out the FAQ more, and maybe add/expand weekly community posts.


    No. Then I’d have to interact with people more.

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