I’m distraught


  1. If we’re exporting less… then we are keeping more for me to eat. I see no issue here.

  2. If they want raspberries to take over their country that’s fine. Just keep them out of community gardens 😤

  3. I’m sticking my tongue through my lips and blowing air in a manner that causes my mouth to vibrate creating an unpleasant mocking noise, followed by the words “Whatever, Morocco.”

  4. Stay calm, everyone. What we need to focus on is being the top #1 raspberry PRODUCER and keeping as many of those raspberries as we want to eat ourselves.

  5. Strawberries are the best berry, so my point fine Morroco congrats don’t care

  6. I..we..is this really an issue that’s being discussed right now? I think the bigger issue is my friend ordered a “pizza” off the menu that was as flat as a crepe with no sauce, minimal cheese and drenched in honey and balsamic reduction for 15$. Fucking thing had more oil than dough.

  7. Morocco can export raspberries, we will export freedom to Morocco.

  8. If the time were ever to arise in which we needed to use The Bomb, it would be now.

  9. I have raspberries in my back yard. I think America should send me to Morocco to export them.

  10. Illegalize domestic consumption of raspberries. We have some exportin’ to do!

  11. We were the 3rd largest raspberry exporter? Huh.

    Morocco grows raspberries? Huh.

  12. We owe them one. They were the first country to recognize an independent US, so we can throw them a bone this time and let it slide. This time.

  13. Is it a calamity? I see no problem here. US doesn’t always have to be number 1 at literally everything to be succeeding. People should really just chill.

  14. It sort of makes me realize I know nothing about raspberry growing.

    It doesn’t feel like something Morocco would be good for, but that just displays my ignorance, I guess

  15. Well. They were the first to recognize us as independent from Britain and our longest running treaty is with them, they can have it.

  16. There’s only one nation who would dare give us the raspberry… Morocco!

  17. I wasn’t aware that raspberries could grow in Morocco. Also I, for one, welcome our new raspberry overlords.

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