Here’s a fun one! You have friends visiting from other countries and they want to watch “an iconic American movie”. What do you show them?

  1. Had some from China who wanted to watch a movie, so we chose Home Alone 1 & 2.

    If I get another chance with others, I’d show them Karate Kid!

  2. 12 Angry Men… it shows our best instincts overcoming our worst.

  3. Breakfast club..
    Goodwill hunting….
    Stand by me..
    American sniper….
    Shawshank redemption…..
    A river runs through it…

    Ya’ll already took most the good ones!😆

  4. The Godfather. It’s the quintessential American movie. It begins with a naive man declaring, “I believe in America,” then proceeds to school the audience on how America really works using the Corleone family as a surrogate for the county at large.

  5. Midnight Run, “Planes, Trains & Automobiles” or Napoleon Dynamite. ❤️‍🔥

  6. I dated a guy from Ireland for a bit. We were dating around Christmas time, so I quoted A Christmas Story at one point and he was so confused. That’s how I found out A Christmas Story was very much an American thing and I made him watch it pretty much immediately. He loved it. So that’s my answer.

  7. Team America. When I had a French exchange student my brother’s girlfriend at the time insisted she had to see it and I totally forgot about exploding Paris in the first scene.

  8. My Cousin Vinny would be my go to. It’s this fun mix of two characters who are the epitome of every New Jersey joke in a setting that can only be described as the most stereotypical hick Southern country community and it’s just a good time

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